"After a day of drinking the Blood of Christ, damn, are we tanked!"


Nov 8, 2001
New York City

Croatia clergy in drink curbs row

Drinking wine is a key part of Holy Communion

Croatia's Catholic priests are seeking compensation after the introduction of a new zero-tolerance drink driving law, a local newspaper says.

The priests want $12 million a year to hire chauffeurs as they can no longer drive between churches where they must sip wine, the Jutarnji List said.

"During holy mass we need to drink wine as a symbol of the blood of Christ," one of the priests told the newspaper.

"We want to obey the law... We would like to have private drivers," he said.

"Some priests have many services a day and these are often in different parishes, so they need to use a car to get around. If they can't drive themselves, someone else has to do it," the priest added.

Some 2,000 priests in the strongly Roman Catholic country said they each wanted a driver for five hours a day, the newspaper said. In August, Croatia reduced the 0.05% limit for blood-alcohol content to zero in an effort to improve road safety. The measure was introduced despite protests from both the Catholic Church and also the tourist industry.

Dear Theotoadians,

I ask one or more of you to consider this:

(AND note: This precludes a piece of your imagination to touch upon any given answer, which I don't suppose will be much of a taxable sum)

A large whale is charred upon a beach of sand. Flies of size flit about the beast's skin.

The Lord born of Nazareth and sheepskin happens upon the Corpus Kogia Simus. He is alone with the vessel. His followers, fast asleep and saturated with the host.

A thick mid-morning sunlight beats down upon the scene. AS the accumulated sweat burdens the lamb of god's furrowed brow, he gazes upon the mystery, and considers the very (tangible) obstacle presented before his intended path.

Does he break? Ah, I am ahead of myself, yet, I do not believe it takes that much foresight to identify the unique biological character of the sea-going mammal, and how that relates to certain features of which roughly half of his earthbound family sport.

So again, I ask... Does He break?

I do not ask strictly for the sake of curiosity; it does, however, have much to do with a matter of curio. I will explain later.

And, as always, you are very welcome... This one is for free!

- The Idea Professor
