Area Man Fired for Drinking Shitty Beer

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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Man Says He Was Fired for Drinking Coors

Associated Press Writer
Originally published May 18, 2005, 12:39 AM EDT
DENVER -- Ross Hopkins still likes to drink Bud, even though he says a brief tryst with a Coors beer cost him his job at a Budweiser distributor.

Hopkins, 41, is suing American Eagle Distributing Co., saying the company wrongly fired him for drinking Coors in a bar two years ago.

"They flat-out told me 'We're putting food on your table so you could put it on theirs?'" he said Tuesday. "I thought I could drink it, no problem."

Hopkins' lawsuit, filed in a Greeley court, seeks unspecified damages for lost wages and benefits. No trial date has been set.

Jeff Bedingfield, an attorney for the distributor, declined to comment, saying: "American Eagle prefers not to try this case in the media."

Colorado law says workers cannot be fired for a legal activity while off duty and away from work. There are exceptions, such as when a worker's actions relate to an occupational requirement or create a conflict of interest.

In a court filing, American Eagle said Hopkins' termination "was necessary to avoid a conflict of interest with his responsibilities to American Eagle and/or the appearance of such a conflict of interest."

Hopkins, who was a warehouse supervisor for the distributor, said he was not wearing a uniform or representing American Eagle when he was at the bar in May 2003 with some co-workers. He said he had ordered a Budweiser but a waitress brought Coors. He decided to drink it because he didn't want to wait.

The son-in-law of the distributor's majority shareholder also was at the bar, and offered twice to buy him a Budweiser, but Hopkins turned it down both times.

He was fired the following Monday.
like one crappy mass market beer is better than another. i know people who say "ew Bud Light? Yuk! Give me a Budweiser!" or "Coors? Not that crap! Give me a Bud Light!" and it makes me laugh every time. plus this town is so Annheuser Busch fanatical it's disgusting. our work has AB as a client and literally every time we have any sort of liquor at a company function, the beer is always AB. plus, AB products cost more here than they do in Chicago (where Miller competes big time). it's like they don't have to compete at all here, people just buy the stuff- so they hike the prices. it's almost always $9-10 for a 12-pack of Bud.
For the past two year I haven't drank any sort of mass produced commercial beer, and I am pretty proud of that. I only drink local, micro or coop brewery things. Unibroue is the only one I still buy that is owned by a big brewery, hopefully they won't start mass producing because they have been bought...
I would harass an employee for drinking Coors, not for aesthetic purposes but because it supports right-wing causes!

a friend of mine worked for Bacardi and one of his co-workers got fired for buying a client a martini during a meeting. the client wanted it, and at the time Bacardi didn't have a vodka (they do now), so when the bosses saw the tab they were like "you should have convinced him to get something else! FIRED!"
They got bought by Sleeman breweries that isn't the biggest brewery in Canada (far from it, I guess it could be called a regional-sized brewery in the US) but they are commercial in almost every aspect. They have decent commercial beers, better than the Molsons, Labatts and all. They also brew and commercialize a bunch of overseas beer like Grolsch, Newcastle, Saporo, Guiness and Pilsner Urquell here in Canada. They make Cream Ale, Honey Brown, Silver Creek, Clear, Original Dark, Premium Light, Steam,
Amber and Original Draught for their Sleeman brand.
Lakefront in Milwaukee is pretty awesome. they have some really interesting beers- that holiday lager is really good, lots of interesting flavors (clove, honey, spice)- the coffee stout is good, the pale ale is creamy, the pumpkin ale is good, etc.
Heineken or Mead for me.

And yes, that tax they're trying to pass does really, really suck.