attn: greg and toby: MR KOBASA FIRED

Josh Seipp said:
there was a rambo cartoon??
yeah, it was back in like 1986 i think. whoa, i was right:

momz didn't let me watch it because the violence was too realistic, she never had a problem with robot violence, which was good because without transformers i would've never made it past 8 years old.
haha on Friday I announced to my classes that they were having a SPECIAL GUEST in class that day (it was the guidance counselor, talking about...guidance stuff, I guess).

Upon announcing it, in three of my four classes, at least one student shouted excitedly, "Is it Mr. Kobasa??"

They were pretty disappointed when the boring ol' guidance counselor walked in. She couldn't understand why.
call me an asshole too, but i completely agree with his reasoning for not putting up a flag, and find it sad that a supposedly similarly faith-based school would not back him up on that. i mean, even the pledge he was accused of not supporting has the phrase "one nation UNDER God", not over.