After a "siren" synth! Help lol

It's just a sound effect with a CV/Gate and some reverb. You could achieve the same effect by manually splicing the region into 16th and 8th notes (tempo ~140bpm). Then throw some reverb over the top.

Might take a few minutes, but it's free. There might be a free plugin to get the same effect, but I don't know of any.
I had a Korg VSTi that had a preset that made that exact sound. Computer is on the other side of the world though, so can't be of much help to you :-(
Hey fellas, after a siren like synth as in this strea snippet below:

Cant seem to get anything for love nor money tho, any ideas on how the sound may be achieved? (file is air raid)

Cheers lads!

I've got a really dirty one in one of my songs.. check oot "neon christ city" and then somehwere in the middle.. if you want one you can bury in the mix, i'll send it to you.. if you want one that sounds as clean as your example, im afraid mine wont do nugga..
oooh nice!Ive got that somewhere, i'll dig it out- think i have the m1 too. Would the mod wheel be needed, or do you mean it has a perfect auto swell just like on that recording?

The wavestation was big on all those swelling sounds that automatically did all that shit. I think there is a preset called siren actually :) And even if there wasn't, I'm sure it could be made in there somehow....