after@all - new incredibly awesome band

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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This band is simply beyond words. Techno, Avante Garde, Prog, Rock, Metal, Anime all come to mind when i think of this band. This is by far one of the most interesting bands I have heard in a long long while. All the music flows even though there are many time, tempo and melody changes all throughout each song.

If you love progressive you would be a fool not to check this band out. They definitely need to be signed right away.

I hope you all find them as enjoyable as I do. If not, screw you, at least i broadened your horizons ;)
I listened. It makes me angry how in the description they say that they are "broadening progressive music and and opening it up to new things". Prog is already the most diverse genre of music there is. They also say that they are "establishing music for the 21st century". I listened and they sound almost like a duplicate of Dream Theater. They seemed to add a little more of a techno sound to "Synthetic" but the other 2, especially "Chameleon", sound just like something Dream Theater would do. It is alright but what it said under the description made me angry. And how exactly do you pronounce after@all, if you say it like it looks it makes no sense? Well.....just wanted to give my opinion.
I really do not see the Dream Theater comparison except for one part of sythetic. I do believe that they are doing something fresh and really like their new spin on their version of prog.