After Forever: tour, PPUSA VIII, Heart clip, bathing suits (video diary)


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Really cool video update from After Forever which includes some PPUSA VIII footage (including the killer Heart "Alone" high note!), dirty road bath rooms, nice tour bus, sound check stuff, and also the man-pig side of me needs to report the pool scene footage which includes Floor in a bikini :loco: .
That kind of stuff always makes me like a band a little more. Plus the soundtrack to that was awesome...I think the Pantera when the monster hummer was shown was perfect.
I so wish I had gotten the chance to hang out with them. They sure seem like super cool folks.
Class act on stage and behind the scenes.
I just talked to SwordLord last night and he told me that they certainly were the most down to earth people when they played the weekend of his birthday in St. Paul.

This was an awesome video. I love it when bands put together videos and picture diaries like this to share with the fans. I think it shows how down to earth they really are. I also liked the use of the Jorn song (I think it was Jorn and not another project of his) while they were all in the pool. It was also pretty awesome that Floor did the editing and such herself. That's pretty cool. I guess that just shows how multi-talented she is.
Yah it was a Jorn (solo) song off his Out to Every Nation album.

Those were some mad ninja drumstick skillz.
My band Widow's Walk had the pleasure of opening for After Forever on Wednesday night in Ottawa. It was a great show, pretty small venue (200 capacity max) and I was preparing myself for a scaled-down version of the PP show, but damn, they played that show like it was Madison Square Garden, the power and emotion was unbelievable.

And then to make a great night even better, we learned that the band's hotel was literally just around the corner from our rehearsal space, and so we asked them back to our jam spot for some beers. We didn't really expect them to say yes, but everybody except Floor (who wanted to rest up), plus a bunch of the crew came back with us and we had a wicked after-party until 6 in the morning! We actually set up all our instruments and had a massive jam session, we played a bunch of Maiden, Sabbath, and of course a little Final Countdown :) It was an unbelievable night and the guys were all so cool, they were thanking US for inviting them! We should be putting up some pictures and maybe some videos on our site soon ;)
My band Widow's Walk had the pleasure of opening for After Forever on Wednesday night in Ottawa. It was a great show, pretty small venue (200 capacity max) and I was preparing myself for a scaled-down version of the PP show, but damn, they played that show like it was Madison Square Garden, the power and emotion was unbelievable.

And then to make a great night even better, we learned that the band's hotel was literally just around the corner from our rehearsal space, and so we asked them back to our jam spot for some beers. We didn't really expect them to say yes, but everybody except Floor (who wanted to rest up), plus a bunch of the crew came back with us and we had a wicked after-party until 6 in the morning! We actually set up all our instruments and had a massive jam session, we played a bunch of Maiden, Sabbath, and of course a little Final Countdown :) It was an unbelievable night and the guys were all so cool, they were thanking US for inviting them! We should be putting up some pictures and maybe some videos on our site soon ;)

That is FREAKING Awesome! They are truly some super cool dudes!