After Forever: tour, PPUSA VIII, Heart clip, bathing suits (video diary)

They have my sincere sympathies regarding The White Rabbit in San Antonio...that place graduated from "dive," left "dump" behind a long time ago, and gives "shithole" a bad reputation.

See a show there...come home with a black t-shirt and hepatitis.
You have my attention.

Seconded! :heh:

They have my sincere sympathies regarding The White Rabbit in San Antonio...that place graduated from "dive," left "dump" behind a long time ago, and gives "shithole" a bad reputation.

See a show there...come home with a black t-shirt and hepatitis.

:lol: LoF'nL!

Thanks for the link Deron, and I hope to see some pics of the rehearsal room jam as well!
Not to worry, they spelled Dimmu "Borgor" wrong too. :)

Funny, that intro from "Progenies" came up in the vid and I really didn't notice gets used so often as a background score that it just slips right by me and then later I realize "oh, cool, 'Progenies of the Great Apocalypse' AGAIN!" :lol:

Great tour-vid!
Just talked to them last night. Sander seems pretty happy about the tour, but wants more fans!! Maybe a tour with a bigger headliner. Sucked that I paid $29 to hear the sound guy seriously butcher the sound, but I'm happy I got to talk to them.
They have my sincere sympathies regarding The White Rabbit in San Antonio...that place graduated from "dive," left "dump" behind a long time ago, and gives "shithole" a bad reputation.

See a show there...come home with a black t-shirt and hepatitis.
You had to see their tour managers face when I was sort of "reviewing" the venues for her to give them a heads up, and i warned them about the shower room at the White Rabbit :loco::puke:. I think that was one of the worst places we hit on the Doro tour
But MOJO, the door guy there for the bands is a cool dude
Awesome video. That is what is all about. Playing shitholes and having fun doing it. They deserve better venues than that.

But , don't listen to Wayniac, his house looks much worse than The White Rabbit. :puke::puke::puke:

Sorry Wayne, I just couldn't find any other way to tell you ...
Gee Mike - thanks buddy! That's funny.. even funnier since you've never been to my place ! :loco::Smug::kickass:

We won't talk about how "neat" your bus was on the DT tour, now shall we?!? :lol::rolleyes: