After months of searching..


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I have finally found a job!

I was just hired at the Eureka Petco...which seems pretty spiffy. Its a friggin miracle!
I'll be moving up to Arcata soon for school at the university I'm happy about that, too.

Anyway, i'm very excited about moving and I just couldn't keep this to myself. In a few days, I will also be putting up another portfolio of my artworkies.
I took a lifedrawing class last semester, and I have been super busy.
see you all later!
haha and I'm a mananger in Petco here in Arlington :)

I'm going to school this October as well, which is why this job is perfect to combine school with.

Petco is awesome, any job who pays me to play with cats and dogs and other cool animals all day is my kind of job :Spin:
Nice! Maybe I'll charm the existing manager with my feminine wiles and will become a manager, too :)

Petco was different from the other stores i've applied at.
Heh, the people seemed to have souls.

I've also thought about being an ASPCA cop in the you all better watch out :loco:
Starting august 22nd I'll be directing HIgh School Band and Choir, Middle School Band and Choir, and teaching K-6 music. plus some upper level general music courses and maybe guitar and trumpet lessons.

woohoo for a salary!
Thanks for the friendly words, everyone!

This job seems far better than sorting thousands of tiny slides in a dark little closet all day! :tickled:

Or making costumes for 70 bouncy/ theatrical kiddies...or catering and bussing tables for a bunch of pissy wine & cheese types o_O
Whee! Never again, I tell yeh!
Awww....monkey spunk!

I just realized I probably won't be able to see any more concerts this year.
No gigantour or sounds of the underground para me. :cry:
Waay too about 9 hours of driving.

*paints face white, runs to the forest and cries to the mother tree*

Oh well. I'm hoping there will be a Nevermore headlining tour in the future.