Again on Ulver translations


Naturmistikk & Folktale
Jul 18, 2003
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Hi! I'm new here I discovered only 2 days ago that there was a Ulver forum, I'm also involved in the lyric thread as I'd love to know kveldssanger lyrics, I also saw the translation of bergtatt and nattens madrigal, I have to say I made some time ago a translation of these two albums more tied to the text, I mean a translation word by word as the one official is very ad sensum e not every word is translated, I study norwegian at university and when I did it I was also helped by my norwegian litterature teacher who is native of Norway and knows that kind of language (he told me it was more or less the same language used by Ibsen i.e. Peeer Gynt) I also was ready to share them with everyone of you who asked me but yesterday I saw sadly that the kveldssanger lyric that fjelltussa e someone else wrote are already on, I don't know who send them the lyric but I'd be very dissapointed that a work of mine for ppl who is on this forum and therefore loves what ulver did should be shared with fuckers who now say that ulver suck, betrayed their roots and that are depeche mode clone, and also I spent a lot of time finding word and going to my university, and it would be tragic that someone after I publish them on this forum, copies them and send to Darklyric or whatever else claiming them as his own.

Seems like our little transcription made it to darklyrics. Complete with errors, omissions and all :-)
Never mind. Ulver to the people.