Aghora - Formless


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Fans of To-Mera should check out Aghora's new album Formless, as it bears some similarities with To-Mera. Their new singer is great and the music is even heavier and more technical, still retaining their jazzy style throughout.

I reviewed the album a while back:

Also you can check out some samples of the new album, at this link.

Has anyone else heard Formless?
as it bears some similarities with To-Mera.

Even the same artwork guy :Smokedev: (Shameless self-promotion starts in 3...2...1...) :
(And dude , thanks for your kind words regarding the packaging design. Great review.)

As for the music - Formless is simply amazing , all the sweat and tears shed during the process (the album was demoed AND recorded more then once with different lineups..) created something indeed special . Better than the debut as far as I’m concerned.