Agile 'Pendulum Dual 72527 nat ash'... anyone interested in a review/overview?


dangert billy
Apr 15, 2010
eugene, oregon
I recently happened upon an Agile 'Pendulum Pro Dual 72527 EB Nat Ash' from rondo music, and I'm wondering if anyone is interested in an overview/review (I use that word tentatively, I am not the expert on reviews or guitars) of it. It's a 7-string, multiscale (25.5" treble, 27" bass), dual-active p'up axe made from mahogany with an ash top.

Here's an atrocious cellphone shot of it in its case:

Let me know if you're interested and I'll do a full write-up with sound clips (once I get back to my interface, I'm currently on crimmis vacation)
I know they make em lefty so I have been considering buying one, either this one or the interceptor model.

Don't they (Rondo Music) take custom orders for like one week only in January or something?
Usually twice a year. Once in Jan and again near summer once he's caught up on orders. I had one of the first gen fanned frets from them. Played great, but the pickups were the standard perpendicular to strings setup so low strings were bassy and muffled. The new layout in line with the bridge sounds much better. The neck is thick, not awkwardly so, but no Wizard neck.
Never played a guitar with fanned frets. What's it like?

This amount of fanning (1.5") feels spectacular to me, I felt little to no difference while switching between the agile and my ibanez rg 6-stringer, even in neck girth. A more extreme fan might take some getting used to for me. As for
fucks you up if you look at your fingers or the fretboard while playing
, that doesn't necessarily happen to me, but everyone has a different style/technique.
hahahahahahhahahahahahahah thtas a good one! congrats!

well you dont have to write a long review and stuff but id like it if you could tell me what you think of it? id like to try a fanned fret one day also.
Sure thing, rispsira. The website says it weighs 9.5 pounds, and that sounds about right, it feels like it's around 9 pounds or so. The weight is pretty evenly balanced, although it feels just slightly neck-heavy, not really noticeable when wearing a strap. The size and shape is just right for me, and the leg/belly cuts are smooth and feel very comfortable. The body itself is very smooth with a matte finish, and the body and neck feel absolutely rock solid, partly attributable to the string-thru construction. The fretboard is very smooth and made from ebony with markers on the side of the fretboard, and the frets aren't too fat, too skinny, too tall or too recessed. The neck certainly isn't a Wizard neck but it feels great, very solid, not too wide and very fast. The amount of fanning (1.5") feels perfect to me. As I said before, I feel little to no difference going from a multiscale to a fixed-scale and back. Your wrist will naturally rotate as you go up and down a fretboard, and the fanning feels very ergonomic and easy to play. When doing palm-mutes, I sometimes find myself resting my pinky resting on the edge of the bridge p'up, but that's not a huge problem to correct and most likely won't have any effect on tone.
oroinvictus, hello!
What is a thickness of Ash top on this guitar? Or maybe you can make come pictures from other viewpoints?
Can you record some DI of this guitar?
What can you say about sound in overall?
Thanks for information!
Terrorizer, I can't say exactly what the thickness of the ash top is, it looks to be a matter of millimeters. I'll take some other pictures soon, and I'll record some clips when I get back to my interface in a couple weeks.
that was a great detailed review thanks for that man!!!! i like the fact that the fanned frets feel natural to play i should try one when i get the chance to. thank again
Rispsira, I would definitely recommend trying to find a fanned-fret guitar and playing it for a little while just to see how it really feels and plays. I can only explain how this guitar feels so well through text... also, here are a few more images, Terrorizer. The last one is huge for some unexplained reason, I apologize for that.

Close-up of the body:

Back of the body:

Close-up of the headstock:

Close-up of the side of the body, showing the thickness of the ash top (I don't have any calipers here so I can't accurately measure it):
The neck dive is what usually puts me off of the 7 and 8 string guitars but this does look nice. May have to spring for one eventually.
I haven't experienced a whole lot of neck dive with this particular guitar, Terminus. I will say that it definitely feels neck heavy, but it's not noticeable when wearing a strap (especially a nice, thick locking strap), and when I play standing up I typically support the guitar with my leg. That's just my style though.
I haven't experienced a whole lot of neck dive with this particular guitar, Terminus. I will say that it definitely feels neck heavy, but it's not noticeable when wearing a strap (especially a nice, thick locking strap), and when I play standing up I typically support the guitar with my leg. That's just my style though.

I used to have a LTD H-1000L or something like that (older 1998-ish lefty cockstock) and it was terrible, always sliding down. I'm pretty sure they make these Pendulums in 6 strign versions so I may try that.