ah, the wonders of mp3.com


Jul 9, 2002
Visit site
i just told my friend about you guys, and told her to download your songs from mp3.com and she really liked it. had your songs not been there, it would be hard to let her hear u, cuz i never see her anymore.
this isn't to kiss your guy's asses or anything. i just think mp3s is the best way to get into a new band.
the best way to get into bands is these sharing programs like soulseek, kazaa and stuff. No doubt about it.
yeah, i really like mp3.com
when i want something new to listen to i just type in some word or something and see what comes up. i heard some really good music doing that i would otherwise have never heard about. example: "asylum&architecture" is a really good band.
and they don't make me kiss ass for a little recognition.

though i still love motW like nobody's business, but mine and theirs.