Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Band shill; The odyssey of the ship Pequod and its captain, Ahab, is a well worn tale of bad omens and obsession. It begins with the prediction by a person deemed insane of the death of everyone signing onto the whaling vessel bound for Nantucket. None of the sailors realize the danger they are in until they are at sea, when Ahab – supported by his harpooner Fedallah – forces the men to swear to help him kill the whale known as Moby Dick, a creature that has left him scarred both physically and mentally. The oath is sealed with a strange old ritual, and from there disaster takes its course. Ahab lures his men on to their destruction.
This story is a beloved classic, but no one could have anticipated the dark and ambient re-telling by the German funeral doom band AHAB. Their first EP, entitled The Oath, is an interpretation of the sinister ceremony conducted by the fabled captain to gain the fealty of his crew, a dark soundscape that ever so slowly ties your guts into a knot and frays the nerves. Daniel D. uses the sheer power of his voice to deadly effect, the growls and striking choral arrangements (‘The Hunt’) creating a dreary musical soundscape accentuated by crushing distorted guitars.

”Whale ahead!” bellows the voice from the speakers. And the hunt begins…


Now this is the tempo that is appropriate for a maritime expedition. Mastodon step aside, or be harpooned by the crushing sounds that split tides with the same ferocity exhibited in Moose's skivvies while staring at a picture of Karen during a bout of majestik longing. The funeral home has moved to the sea. Prepare to be trounced to and fro by walls of brine, ye fucking swine.

The aggression Ahab exudes in certain passages of their songs does not diminish the fact that they are in fact playing funeral doom, albeit not in the traditional sense. :heh:

Swashbuckling fantastic!
What are you like in real life Ken? If we all went out and had a few beers and chatted about life in some old hole-in-the-wall bar, would you just throw out the occasional facial expression? You fucking enigma. :lol:

It all depends on my mood I guess. I dunno, ask Demilich. He's the only one here that I have met so far. Well, Ive met Spikes but it was very brief.

The funny thing is, almost everyone I've met on this board is near identical in real life....all except for Krigloch. That was a real shocker. Here you have an outspoken forum guy, and in real life, he's a 300lb shy mammal. He can certainly down his pints though.

Jerry is quite different too. In real life, he's a screaming racist.