Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea

this album is actually very good. fast funeral doom (as fast as FD can get anyway), at times reminds me of In their Darkened Shrines era Nile with the ultra low vocals and slow pummeling
Ahab is great sometimes. Old Thunder really gives you the desperate feeling of being stranded at sea during a storm.

Amen to that!:kickass:

Much like Mastodon, these lads receive way too much slack for being popular. They're like the All-Star QB you disliked in high school for scoring all the ladies. But you can't deny their talent, just simply massive doooooom that leaves your ears wading through the spew of a thousand hunchbacks.

Has anybody caught a note of The Divinity of Oceans? I'm on an maritime kick as of late.

Swim, Kenneth, Swim!!!!


The American Family Association, a religious right group, is urging that Tillikum (Tilly), the killer whale that killed a trainer at SeaWorld Orlando, be put down, preferably by stoning. Citing Tilly's history of violent altercations, the group is slamming SeaWorld for not listening to Scripture in how to deal with the animal:

Says the ancient civil code of Israel, "When an ox gores a man or woman to death, the ox shall be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner shall not be liable." (Exodus 21:28)

However, the group is going further and laying the blame for the trainer's death directly at the feet of Chuck Thompson, the curator in charge of animal behavior, because, according to Scripture,

But, the Scripture soberly warns, if one of your animals kills a second time because you didn't kill it after it claimed its first human victim, this time you die right along with your animal. To use the example from Exodus, if your ox kills a second time, "the ox shall be stoned, and its owner also shall be put to death." (Exodus 21:29)


I love the correlation between livestock and putting a beast in a kiddie pool after it's accustomed to open sea.
the one i heard wasn't bad, but not great. sounds like any other doom/death funeral doom band, but apparently these guys are different because they like water.
This isn't too bad. It's just really hard for me to get into funeral doom anymore. Not sure why.
This album is fucking good, I think I bought it along with _______ in order to qualify for free shipping from some small distro.

The background keyboard stuff reminds me of that one nautical King Crimson album. But, you know, in a heavy doom setting.