AIMING HIGH "Geraldine, The Witch" - Cover, Tracklist, release date: 20th June 2014


Feb 11, 2011
The release date of the AIMING HIGH album "Geraldine, The Witch" on CD is June 20th, 2014. The preorder phase will start on June 6th, 2014 in our webshop.

AIMING HIGH were located in Munich and active at the same time as BONFIRE, probably the best known Munich heavy band. They played together but the Munich public was more into AOR and Rock although AIMING HIGH had some absolutely convincing killer melodies. Some musicians played in the band MAGENTA before. "Hard Rockin Phoenix" was their only effort and has not the same quality as AIMING HIGH although it’s a searched after collectors gem today too.

AIMING HIGH had the quality for the international market, but the circumstances at their time of existence were really not helpful. Outside Munich there were long ways to travel to other locations with an interested public. The band concentrated on writing great songs, but this was not enough. So the tracks of the one and only AIMING HIGH “Geraldine, The Witch” were good enough to pleasure anyone and are as good to listen to today as in the 80s. Eventually the chapter of AIMING HIGH ended too fast, but the songs exist and will give pleasure now and in the future....many years after the end of another promising band.


1. Geraldine, The Witch
2. Nine Lives
3. Love In Chains
4. What A Surprise
5. Give Us A Chance
6. Empty Eyes
7. Skol
8. Get Ready
9. Love Bite
10. Lights On, Lights Out
11. Hard Times
Total Playing Time 43:00 min


Häppl Barthel – vocals
Tom Lerche – bass, backing vocals, guitars
Charly Barth – drums
Michael Schmackler – guitars


“Geraldine, The Witch” @ KARTHAGO RECORDS