AKG C12 Clone Build


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
Just sharing some good news. Last night I completed building an AKG C12 clone. I'm using a NOS early 1960s 6072 tube, Tim Campbell's CT12 capsule (a true, chambered CK12 copy with original AKG membrane material), and AMI's T14 replica transformer. The mic sounds phenomenal! This is my second DiY mic. Here's a pic...

Looks great! Clips? How much did it cost you? I really want to take myself up on a DIY build for something like an 1176 clone, but I have 0 experience with PCB boards and soldering them etc
If you specifically hone in on the midrange and the air frequencies, it might be easier to tell which is which. A U47 is designed to push the mids, while a C12 is a bit more scooped, with a boost in the air. Listen to 2kHz-5kHz, and the 11kHz areas.

The first one (not labelled) is the C12.
The one labelled "B" is the U47.