Originally posted by FalseTodd
Against his own people perhaps, but the US is hardly threatening to bomb every despot who mistreats the people of his country. Maybe the Bush administration does have the proof they claim to, but it seems like the American public is all too willing to take this on faith.
Well, I don't think Bush feels he can threaten countries like Saudi Arabia until Iraq is taken care of, even if they ARE next on the list. They should be, anyway. I do think the best thing would be for the U.S. to announce that they are no longer tolerating the evillest regimes anywhere, period, give an ultimatum for change, and if there's any violation, come down hard (not necessarily militarily). BUT the United Nations would have a shit-fit (partially because half of its constituency is intolerably evil). So isn't it better to use politics and diplomacy, perhaps remove Iraq first and see if that scares the next couple of autocracies enough to make meaningful change, before making enemies of 90% of the Arab world with one declaration (remember the shitstorm when Bush did that to Iran..."now they will never be our friends, how could you call them axis of evil, etc etc")?
I doubt the Bush Administration has proof Saddam is trying to strike at the heart of America, but I don't think they need it. I've said this before, but I think that that's just what they need to say to get Americans behind the war (this fib isn't aimed at the rest of the world, but at US). Americans are pretty selfish creatures (ok, admittedly, in the global and subjective sense, they're more altruistic than most everyone, but let's talk objectively for a moment), and unless the threat is against their families or friends or country, they're hesitant to get involved.
So Bush is lying to get the public behind something they ought to be behind anyway. Pretty cynical of him, and I'm not really down with supporting untruths, but I guess if it came down to either exaggerating the threat to Americans or letting the Iraqi people hang in the wind, I'd feel pretty bad choosing the former just because I don't want to be lied to. My qualm is that maybe the lying is not necessary--maybe Americans would be behind regime change if Bush simply talked about what was happening to the Iraqis & other Arab people suffering. But really, I can no longer blame anyone for being cynical about humans.
The problem with the nuke thing isn't the Bush administration's policy, I think. It's entirely consistent with the terrible doctrine of "deterrence" we've followed for decades. Deterrence is about making horrendous threats, making everyone believe you will carry them out, and then never actually carrying them out (my God, the USSR and the US had the unspoken threat to destroy the planet hovering in the air between them. That's far worse than any first-nuclear-strike-against-Iraq threat). I think that doctrine is horrible, and I think it should be changed immediately if not sooner, but while we are operating under it, I don't think it should be done half-assed.