Album art coincidence?


Nothing but the process
I was listening to Spiral Architect's album yesterday and then a while later I poped in "Cosmic Genesis" when I was struck with a realization. No, I'm not talking about my totally sweet taste in music (I realized that long ago), I'm talking about the on-disc art. Get out your copy of each CD and check them out (come on, I know you all have them both). Fine, too lazy? I'll help you out:


Check out that straight line! (please excuse the blurriness)
At first I though it might be the golden ratio at fault, but upon closer inspection the line divides one third off the total disc area (not the printed area). What does it all mean?!? :D
Is it a Coincidence? Probably. Am I crazy for noticing and caring this much? Most likely. Do these two albums kick ass? Absolutely!
winter-frost said:
Here I should probably say that it's a mathematical mystery behind it, but sorry!! just pure simple coincidence actually...hehehe.

mr V
asgeir said:
I designed the Spiral-cover back in '99 and today is actually the first time I see the "Cosmic Genesis" CD. Maybe it's a cosmic coincidence...?

- Asgeir
So u haven´t got all cds of a band u played sessiondrums in? :D
Seems like something correspoding to the concept of "Golden Cut" (Not sure about the applicable english term for that), but perhaps it has to to with what deisng is esthetically most pleasing, and thus more an uncoscious parallel (to add some more mystery to it).
Ziuwarian said:
Seems like something correspoding to the concept of "Golden Cut" (Not sure about the applicable english term for that), but perhaps it has to to with what deisng is esthetically most pleasing, and thus more an uncoscious parallel (to add some more mystery to it).
I thought that at first as well (check the first post, golden cut, golden section, and golden ratio all apply to the same idea) but I measured and it doesn't fit. Oh well. :)
asgeir said:
I wasn't kidding. I'm a fan of the new Vintersorg which is more prog, while I don't like the folk stuff on the old albums.

- Asgeir

I can´t belive that :D
Isn´t "cosmic" more simular to "visons" then to "ödemarken". And even new vintersorg is some folk to, right?? And hasn´t borknagar some folky tunes to?
Folk music is great! But I know Asgeir have a more prog taste!! Still I feel that there's folk music elements in Vinytersorg, and it's that needable spice I need to be satisfied. Borknagar have in my opinion alot of folk music, but I'm not Öystein, so we compose differently, which of course is just great!!!

Yeah, it's great that taste differs from person to person, imagine every guy/girl on the block being in love with your girl/boyfriend.......

mr V
Vintersorg said:
Still I feel that there's folk music elements in Vintersorg, and it's that needable spice I need to be satisfied.

Yeah, it's great that taste differs from person to person, imagine every guy/girl on the block being in love with your girl/boyfriend.......
Hahaha... for some few VERY goodlooking men or women this anyway works out and everybody seems to be desiring them....
you should have better said: just imagine everybody in the world walking around in the same cloths, saying the same things etc. > NIGHTMARE!

...but honestly now: I´m glad there still are little parts of folk in your music... I personally enjoy that very much, and I´m sure lots of other fans too!