Album Artwork - How much does it generally cost?


there you go now, everything is suddenly professional!

My MAN!!!

We paid 600$ + 100$ tip (700$) for the painting for our cover. No layout work. But also recieved the actual painting. FWIW.
Yeah seriously. It's a 20x20 painting on a canvas. Art is like audio.....don't come cheap.
Thanks everyone! I think I'll take your advice nwright and ask for a quote once he gets back to me.

Force, 700 does seem a little steep for just the cover but if you got the original print out of the deal that's seems more worth it! How long did it take your guy to put it together though? It's kind of what I expected for quality work- as a musican/audio engineer/producer you wouldn't expect to spend a week working on something to make less money than you would working at McDonalds. Then again, like I said before if it only takes the guy an afternoon to complete it maybe it's not worth quite so much?
Marcus, thanks man.

Colonymal, it was 600$, tipping is optional. :)

The guy who did it is a professional artist (he does artwork for Creature Skateboards) and tatooer, he charges 150$ an hour. So in that sense it was a pretty good deal. You should check out Ed Repka (Death, Megadeth) and Necrolord (Dissection, etc.) prices. That'll give you some true sticker shock. Getting the original is definitely why the price was where it was. In the same sense, do you think a guy who masters your audio spends any more than an afternoon on it? Cause that'll cost you roughly the same.

Now there's a lot of drawn out story about that cover, that I won't bother getting into. But at this time there's been a lot of drama going on with the band over this painting. We'll just say, paying that amount for that painting (we were expecting something a lot more brutal) and the fact one person kinda went off and did that on their own, has caused it's fair share of problems. The painting is great looking, but not necessarily what we were going for.
So I'm assuming that you really more bought a piece of art than used a designer to make your layout and graphics? I'm assuming the band logo and album title were added to the graphic AFTER the fact and not on the original painting?
So I'm assuming that you really more bought a piece of art than used a designer to make your layout and graphics? I'm assuming the band logo and album title were added to the graphic AFTER the fact and not on the original painting?

Yes, correct. Though I will add, we contracted the art. It was done for us.