Album of the year - 2013


Aug 30, 2001
What say you?

For me, I have to default toShpongle's Museum of Consciousness, as it was fairly decent return to form for them and I really enjoy it all the way through.

For metal, the new Falkenbach is really great, as well as Labyrinth by Fleshgod Apocalypse. However, my #1 is going to fucking Wormed this year with Exodromos. It just doesn't get any better or more brutal and perfect. This is just soulless, crushing, and pummeling death metal in it's best possible incarnation. Hopefully these guys make it to town sometime soon and I can see it live.

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I'm gonna say New Keepers of the Water Towers, however much they may be fanboys of Pink Floyd and Mastodon. That album is just killer.

Still, my favorite release in the last five years or so has been Enfold. It's not even metal, just heavy melancholic post-rock. They don't even have a label or even a drummer right now. If it sounds interesting, you can get their album for free on Bandcamp...just put a zero in the pay what you want box and download it. I've been listening to that album regularly for over a year.

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or me
Hail of bullets