Album picture?

In Flames album artwork took a dramatic downturn after 2002 :D STYE is insipid, CC is amusingly emo and ASOP is just tragic.

SOAPF is a step in the right direction, at least. :)
In Flames album artwork took a dramatic downturn after 2002 :D STYE is insipid, CC is amusingly emo and ASOP is just tragic.

SOAPF is a step in the right direction, at least. :)


SOPF looks like Korn album. It reminds me of their pretty new untitled album.

ASOP looks like another Korn's album. Remove "In Flames" and slap in "KoRn" on it and you'll be convinced that its a korn album.

Come Clarity's alternative cover looks way better.

STYE is decent. It's way too generic. I dont like the graphic design, I'd like it more if it was painted or something.

Reroute to Remain wasn't too bad.

Of course, Colony and WHoracle had the best covers.