Albums that take you back to places/times


May 1, 2010
Brisbane AU
I have a guilty confession. Earlier this year I went on a holiday to Europe and just before I left I got the CD 'Ocean Eyes' by Owl City. When I was over there, this CD was ALL I listened to! I usually maintain a diet of 70% metal to 30% other genres but no matter how often I put on metal while I was over there, I always quickly switched back to Ocean Eyes. The album suited being on a bus every second day staring at amazing snow covered mountains and the beautiful scenery Europe has to offer.

Anyway since being home I absolutely cant listen to this CD anymore, it brings the most powerful emotions of being overseas and I can remember exact places and feelings I had when I heard the songs and it just depresses me. I've had other CD's do this to me before (breakup songs, good/bad times, the usual etc.) but never like this.

Do any of you guys have albums that bring these strong emotions to you when you listen to them? I think thats the beauty of music! Would love to hear your similar stories. Pity mine is about Owl City :lol::lol:
Satyricon's Shadowthrone takes me back to riding the train through Germany in '96. I can't hear any of those songs without immediately returning to that trip in vivid detail.
what the hell is owl city?

id have to say, lateralus, takes me back to when i first got into music...

the amity self titled, gives me a sense of when the scene was alot younger, and really starting to take off...

images and words, really makes me go back to the first time i listened to it thinking the guitar playing was just impossible, and then putting that mountainous challenge in front of me. the discipline required from then on in has pretty much defined my adult life
what the hell is owl city?
the amity self titled, gives me a sense of when the scene was alot younger, and really starting to take off...

images and words, really makes me go back to the first time i listened to it thinking the guitar playing was just impossible, and then putting that mountainous challenge in front of me. the discipline required from then on in has pretty much defined my adult life

These two both for me too. Can u still get Amity's self titled EP anywhere? Used to love Severance and Empires Laid Waste.

Images and Words was my first and still favourite DT album.

If you haven't heard of Owl City, I wouldn't recommend looking into it. Poppy, dreamy, emo music. I suits travelling perfectly though and I still love the CD
SP's Melloncollie and the Infinite sadness was the official soundtrack to my highschool years.

In Flames' oldie-goldie Colony imprinted itself on my graduation night.

And 16 Horsepower and Woven Hand come to mind on my playlist when my first plane landed in Sweden the first time ! and Fall of the Leafe abit, aerolithe had just dropped i believe
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time, takes me back to my bed as a kid when i first listened, and get those goosebumps of hearing such an amazing piece and appreciate good music for the first time of your life, also the feeling of 80´s futurism haha.

Angra - Angel´s Cry, brings to me the memory of a nice sun setting in the highway as we passed by some wheat fields.

Scorpions - Crazy World, when i was chasing the girls in school haha.

Dissection - Storm of the lights bane, some nostalgia for saying good bye to good friends after a graduation.
Bon Iver - For Emma Forever Ago
Music made about heartbreak made in the depths of a hibernation in winter and listened to while in an emotional hibernation in the middle of the summer. Feeling the duality.

Otomo Yoshihide, Bill Laswell, Yoshigaki Yasuhiro - Soup
Takes me back to when I first got played some jazz. The college had this old building called treneere manor on its grounds, it was abandoned and unused at the time. here's a picture, but it doesn't really sum up the full glory of the place. there was a massive front lawn, with sort of, huge layered sections of grass going down as it got further away from the building, all surrounded by a wall of trees \m/

But anyway, around the back there's a load of other courtyards and stuff, and there was this one with this incredible stone fountain, it was really early september, about 10:30am during a 90 minute break between classes on the music course i was on. So our crew went up there and chilled. (There was also this FUCKED old piano in a shed, none of the keys worked and the ones that managed to make a sound was just horribly out of tune, dissonant nastyness, best piano I've ever heard in my life. Haha)
So caned a massive joint with my bud by the fountain and he puts on this jazzterpiece and that combined with the overwhelmingly strong, beautifully cured weed I'd just smoked, I got locked into a 15 minute psychadelic introspective nightmare. It sent me completely insane and I regret nothing.
After I'd recovered, went went back up to the music block, set up the mics for our booked recording session and played our first 35 minute free-jazz exploration.
Totally life changing day.

Painkiller - Execution grounds reminds me of the car journey back from Bristol after seeing Sunn O))) the night before. Had a massive headache and a hangover the next morning after getting drunk to try and make the throbbing in my head go away after the gig. Driving through the countryside with the sun setting with some of the best dub ever massaging my brain.

And Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions reminds me of seeing Sunn of course, that was also pretty powerful.
All my favorite bands and albums remind me of an era of my life... it is like my life Soundtrack... since I was a kid in 1987 until today... school, highschool, holidays, grisl, girlfriends, places, booze...

Wouldn't mind to go back when I was 12 yo.

My Original Life Sountrack:

Iron Maiden, Accept, Metallica, Manowar, Helloween, Twisted Sister, Rage, Judas Priest, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Running Wild, In Flames, Wasp, Sabbat, King Diamond, Rainbow, Rammstein, Symphony X, Nevermore, Pain...and many more.
Owl City is the gayest band ever dude...

BUT I know exactly what you mean!

When I listen to Paramore, I always think of the long drives on tour, when me and Benoit would crank Riot and Brand New Eyes will just lookin out the windows at the US.
Alive or Just Breathing makes me think of 9th grade, when I was blasting that shit on the daily.

When I was in Europe, we would listen to Ke$ha and Lady Gaga all the time on the bus, so those songs take me right back to being wasted in Europe on the bus screaming and throwing shit around haha. Getting "seasick" on the bus and shit. Goooood fucking times.