Albums you have gone back to

I keep doing that with Maiden albums. I'll listen to them so often that I'll get sick of them, put them away for a while, then on a whim 6 months down the track I'll put them on again and listen to it until I get sick of them.
I do that with Maiden as well, but I never really forget how good they are, I just don't feel the need to listen to them for ages. Some albums, like Demanufacture, I literally forget how good they are.

My other fav riff on that album is the riff in the later part of Zero Signal, about three quarters through. Fuck yeah. :headbang:
Someone in DT (probably Portnoy) said that if they had known KevMo was going to leave the band, that they probably wouldn't have put Space-Dye Vest on the album. What a crime that would have been!