Albums You've Re-evaluated Over the Years?

Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
Enslaved - Isa

I rediscover albums a lot. They usually turn into some of my all-time favorites too.
Im a major music addict and buy CD all the time and sometimes I get a good Cd but it just sounds not right and I put it to rest amongst my collection. Then some time later remember that album and play it again and man it rocks.

This happened on a major scale with the Sigur Ros Agaetis Byrjun album. I got it a few years ago because I liked the () album. But alfter listening to it twice I was left with a dry mouth. Then recently I picked up the album again and it blew my head open, and now the album rests in the halls of the greatest albums ever, in my oppinion.

Its funny how that happens sometimes. Some albums just need the right moment, or they need to marinate amongst your collection for a while.
Those are some recent albums to be re-evaluating.

Hmm, I wouldn't say so. I mean they're both 2005 and that's when I got them, but I didn't enjoy either right away. I pulled them both out about a year later and fell in love with both.
neurosis - though silver and blood

i really didnt like it at first, checked it out about 4 more times, still couldnt get into it, then it finnally clicked

same could be said about meshuggah - nothing