Twisted into Form - Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer

Tom Strutton

Oct 23, 2006
Twisted into Form - Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer
Sensory Records - 19th September 2006
by Tom Strutton


The cryptically-titled Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer is the debut album from Norwegian prog-metallers Twisted into Form, and one with charmingly lofty ambitions. Twisted into Form, comprising guitarist Kaj Gornitzka (ex-Spiral Architect), drummer David Husvik (Extol), bassist Erik Aadland and original Spiral Architect session vocalist Leif J. Knashaug, deliver accomplished tech/jazz/prog-metal. Five years in the making, what we have here is the product of a collective perfectionist mindset – even on first acquaintance it is evident that the songs have been worked and re-worked in a bid to extract the maximum potential from each one. Twisted into Form (named after Forbidden’s 1990 sophomore album) take a somewhat retro angle on progressive metal, borrowing here and there from various landmark acts whilst staying on the right side of derivative. One may, for instance, detect hints of early-nineties tech-death metal in the fine-tuned exploratory guitar and bass work, but this might better be described as a more ’relaxed’ take on such bands as Death, Atheist and Cynic. In true traditional-prog spirit the bass is here elevated to the status of a melodic instrument, it's wandering lines engaged in cryptic dialogue with the similarly restless guitars. The drums, punctuating and complementing this string section with inventively conceived rhythms, are captured well and will keep attentive budding percussionist’s entertained with their attention to detail. On the voice front, the listener can look forward to a traditional melodic performance doubled up for various justifiable artistic ends (thickening the texture, providing harmony through parallel/contrary motion). There is enough here, then, to whet the appetites of both musicians and musically inclined non-musicians alike. Lyrically, TCATATD deals largely with existential issues such as human despair, as hinted at by the album's title which is borrowed from the prototype nineteenth-century existentialist Kierkagaard.

So far so good, but what does the album have to offer to those who abhor the intellectualization of music at the expense of passion and soul? Is their a heart lurking somewhere behind TCATATD’s calculated facade? The short answer is no, unless one holds valid the love that Twisted into Form show their creation by labouring so intensely and completely over it. If such a romantic notion seems too preposterous, you are most certainly advised to look elsewhere for your heart-on-sleeve kicks. The real rewards here are to be found in the level of restraint exercised. By keeping vocal interference sparse, the instrumental sections are given room to breathe and grow organically. As a result, few are the moments when Twisted into Form induce claustrophobia, which is a pitfall many similar bands succumb to. Perhaps another functional ingredient in the equation that makes TCATATD a very listenable affair is the occasional employment of eastern-tinged melodies; whilst many European bands that take this route end up with mediocre post-modern pastiche, Twisted into Form execute the adopted flavour with taste and sophistication. However, it should be noted that the majority of the darting melodic material is typically semi-atonal in construction.

Twisted into Form are probably only going to appeal to seasoned prog or tech-metal fans, who should definitely take note of this gem that garnered critical acclaim in 2006. That said, this album could maybe have benefited from a fuller and more forceful overall production value; rather than grabbing you by the balls and refusing to let go, TCATATD goes about its business with its head down, extending a half-hearted invitation to explore its cryptic realm. If the listener has the patience and is willing, then they may be surprised at what Twisted into Form have to offer.

Official Twisted into Form Website
Official Sensory Records Website