alex or james

Jan 4, 2002
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quite simple who's a better fit to the testament sound, James Murphy or Alex Scholnick. Take into account that all the stuff james plays is dropped 1 full step and alex was in standard tuning, so james' sound already has more girth.
I think they each fit the sound at the time they were members. Alex was fucking incredible, but wouldn't have worked with the heavier stuff post-Ritual. James fit in perfectly, and I love his work. The solo from Trail of Tears is so.....pristine, for lack of a better word, sounding. Awesome. I think James is what was missing on Demonic.
Originally posted by Sadistik
The solo from Trail of Tears is so.....pristine.

I think James is what was missing on Demonic.

Oh fuck yes. Trail Of Tears is my favourite ever solo.
I actually posted on the Maidendownunder board about 2 days ago that I thought he was the missing link on Demonic.
I am partial to James Murphy when I consider the body of GREAT material he has recorded! Not just his INCREDIBLE work with Testament,but his two fantastic solo albums and the work he has done with Death,Obituary,and the somewhat underrated Disincarnate death metal band he formed in 1993. Extremely gifted guitarist and flat out more interesting to me than Skolnick(Although Skolnick is certainly no slouch!)
James Murphy fits the death vibe that Testament is going for now.
Alex Skolnick can play anything but really was not into playing metal from what was said back then.They are both killer players.I would like to hear them and Eric play a three guitar attack."Wishful Thinking":)
Originally posted by Viking Chief
If Alex hadn't softened up he would have been the ultimate Trash guitarist. James is good but not as good as Alex was.

It's thrash... And since thrash is more about riffs than solos, I doubt that...
Disagree on that, there are plenty a great guitar solo in thrash, so there was also plenty a room for Alex to do his stuff. And James have made some kick ass solos as well. So I don't think that argument holds much water.
Originally posted by Viking Chief
Disagree on that, there are plenty a great guitar solo in thrash, so there was also plenty a room for Alex to do his stuff. And James have made some kick ass solos as well. So I don't think that argument holds much water.

Sure there are lots of solos but they aren't essential nor are they the main point of the songs.
what is wrong with you people?!it is obvious that your are not musicians, or anyone with any brains, to compare alex and james is plain stupid, they have tottaly different styles.but then again they can play each others solos flawlessly,there both badasses, to judge alex because he isnt exclusivlely metal is cant compare just cant do it.non of you can play their licks so why be a critic anyway?the way i see it is...testament kicked ass with alex and kicked ass with james..and to say james is better because he dropped a whole step is the funniest shit ive ever seen....obviously you havent heard the new first strike still deadly.."WHICH FEATURES ALEX" and it is dropped down in tuning!!idiots! i hope the guys dont read this board and see how ignorant their fans people put alex down..but i bet a million bucks when he was in testament he was your guitar god, but then he went on to play some of the most technical music he has ever made.."WHICH IM SURE NON OF YOU HAVE EVEN CHECKED OUT" and now you dog him out...if you ask me..alex wrote better solos that had more melody, and they fit testament more than james stuff....but im not gonna campare the 2 because they have tottaly different styles...but you know what....if you didnt know that was alex on the new cd...i bet you dumbasses prolly thought it was james when you first heard it!!!!!
in reply to macmetal...'YOU WOULDNT KNOW METAL IF IT HIT YOU IN YOUR FACE" you must be thinkin of that new rap crap..because HEAVY METAL ISNT JUST ABOUT RIFFS!" good lord...where do these people come from, the reason these new metal bands dont play because they cant do it!the only people who think the way you do about solos, are the people who cant play em...FACT.....there wouldnt be heavy metal without the solos....PERIOD
Originally posted by davefitz
in reply to macmetal...'YOU WOULDNT KNOW METAL IF IT HIT YOU IN YOUR FACE" you must be thinkin of that new rap crap..because HEAVY METAL ISNT JUST ABOUT RIFFS!" good lord...where do these people come from, the reason these new metal bands dont play because they cant do it!the only people who think the way you do about solos, are the people who cant play em...FACT.....there wouldnt be heavy metal without the solos....PERIOD


Try reading my post the next time. The main emphasis of THRASH metal is on the riffs. If you haven't listened to Testament's two latest (not counting First Strike Still Deadly) the solos are really scarce and the albums would kick serious ass even without them. I absolutely love solos but the fact is that thrash metal is more about the rhythm and the riffs than the solos. Just listen to old Slayer, those solos blow BIG time but the riffs kill and yet it's still good, some say the best, thrash metal.
Again your talking from your ass. Just 'cause you think Slayer couldn't play a decent solo, doesn't mean that the entire thrash scene couldn't. And to say that Slayer's solo ability determines the entire thrash scene necessity of playing solos is also ludicrous.

Fitz: Whoe are you? are you new here? If you are new here you just might tone it down a little. Calling people idiots for their opinions, without knowing who they are a is a little bit over board. Eventhough I might tend to agree with you about some of the stuff you're saying. Just consider who you might end up calling an idiot. ;)
Originally posted by Viking Chief
Again your talking from your ass. Just 'cause you think Slayer couldn't play a decent solo, doesn't mean that the entire thrash scene couldn't. And to say that Slayer's solo ability determines the entire thrash scene necessity of playing solos is also ludicrous.

*sigh* Try actually reading and THINKING of what my post is about. If you don't happen to know Slayer were probably the most popular thrash metal band ever after Metallica and Reign in Blood is hailed as one of the greatest thrash albums ever, an embodiment of everything great in thrash but what you won't find on it is a decent solo. I prefer my thrash with good solos but they aren't necessary (Celtic Frost or the aforementioned Slayer).
James Murphy is a real "Metal Brother", his solo cd is fucking cool and got realy metal tunes... Alex have said in interviews that he is not in "metal" anymore, that your style now is more "jazzistic stuff". James Murphy is the best solist man that Testament ever had!! :LOL:
Originally posted by MacMoney

*sigh* Try actually reading and THINKING of what my post is about. If you don't happen to know Slayer were probably the most popular thrash metal band ever after Metallica and Reign in Blood is hailed as one of the greatest thrash albums ever, an embodiment of everything great in thrash but what you won't find on it is a decent solo. I prefer my thrash with good solos but they aren't necessary (Celtic Frost or the aforementioned Slayer).

I did read your post and that's why I replied :) You make absolutely no fucking sense by saying that because maybe the best thrash album ever didn't contain any solos or that they were bad, then real thrash is without solos and the rest is just bad thrash at best. That is basically what you're saying. If that's not what you mean, then maybe you should try to rephrase your opinion!!!