Alex Webster Vs. Steve DiGiorgio

Who do you think is the crazier bassist?

  • Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse)

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Steve DiGiorgio (Too many for me to name right now)

    Votes: 26 74.3%
  • Can't decide

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • ...Screw these guys im voting for Victor Wooten!

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters
Steves better, but Alex is faster (but speed doesn't account for everything, or overall skill). No one can round off a melody like Steve...keeping the low end relevant, but off on its own thing is a hard feat in metal, but Steve succeeds over and over again....
Well, I think that Alex is pretty overrated and I don not think he's faster than Steve (if that's a sign of quality anyway...). But I do think that his style is not very versatile. Cannibal Corpse are stuck in their image to do something different. They have become boring to me, even though they are still top in what they're doing. Perhaps Mr. Webster puts his abilities a little in the background before the overall music. Could be that he's capable to do a lot more than in CC - I don't have a clue...till then, I prefer guys like Steve or Sean Malone for their versatility and creativity. I mean - can you imagine Alex playing in Gordian Knot or Dark Hall?
hmmmm i see your points and i KNOW that steve has shown his ability more than alex but im sure you guys have heard track 10 off of gore obsessed. alex does this fuckin bad assed thing torwards the end. its pretty crazy. trying to add melody to death metal is pretty damn hard so you cant really expect more than just following the guitars. but i believe that given the right band or song that alex could rip shit up more than he already has. and i really admire steve's work on "the fragile art of Exsistence" pure genious man:D
This is coming from the wizard behind the curtain himself...
Please don't vote on this rediculous subject. Besides the fact that it's pointless to compare two different musicians out of their natural element; Alex is a really good friend of mine. I think he's an awesome bass player and I hate to see anyone putting him down for the sake of a stupid comparison.

Bury this mother...
Sorry if it offended you in anyway man, i just wanted to see what other people's opinions are. you and alex are immensely bad ass at your crafts and even trying to compare you guys is too damn tough. even though i voted alex but that was only because he was the main reason i started picking up bass. i wish my fingers could move as fast as his :cry: and again i must say your bass lines on control denied were immaculate :worship: :worship: :worship:
I can tell Alex could be alot better he was like playing random stuff inbetween songs when george was introducing and one made my head turn from talking to a friend it was really weird. I don't notice the bass is CC songs that much:(
Originally posted by Magicawe
I can tell Alex could be alot better he was like playing random stuff inbetween songs when george was introducing and one made my head turn from talking to a friend it was really weird. I don't notice the bass is CC songs that much:(

how can you not notice the bass that much? Vile and up ya i can see what you mean... but in the older stuff the bass is VERY evident. ya alex always does random stuff in between song and stuff. his tapping skills are up there too. i would love to see him play some fusion or funk bass, man that would be sweet.:D
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
This is coming from the wizard behind the curtain himself...
Please don't vote on this rediculous subject. Besides the fact that it's pointless to compare two different musicians out of their natural element; Alex is a really good friend of mine. I think he's an awesome bass player and I hate to see anyone putting him down for the sake of a stupid comparison.

Bury this mother...

I agree with you here!
Alex is a fucking master.Anyone who does'nt think much of him has'nt seen him live.
Besides,if you take into account that he actually WRITES most of Cannibal Corpse's material (On the bass of course) it becomes alot more of evident of how good he is.
In saying that,Steve wrote THAT part in Nothing Is Everything.
Tab it out ya' hippy bastard!
But really,appease your minions.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Hasn't the statute of limitations run out an that bass line yet?

Are you kidding?
That bass line is infinite in its powers!
Also,if you record with Testament again,tell them to turn up the bass.