Yeah.. during my March Break I drew some pictures. They aren't the greatest since I didn't spend days working on it. Tell me what you think
Enemy242 said:better than what i can do, but his face in the last one looks kinda like a hockey mask. other than that they seem good to me.
thats what i was trying to say, in my amateur opinion.Ralf said:hmm...
first drawing:
-proportions - his head is too big, his legs too short, and he looks like he is pregnant
-there is something seriously wrong with the perspective of the guitar
-left arm is disturbing
-I'm not going to coment facial expression, I haven't seen real photo. But he looks like some alien insect
-pencil - this drawing isn't finished, more color, more life, more dimention,
-and that something that he is standing in, wtf?
second drawing:
-this one is much better, I could even risk saying it can be repaired and look pretty good.
-face and hair are ok, I don't like that kind of drawing but that's just a matter of taste there's nothing wrong in it.
-guitar... FOCUS when drawing, were your hands shakin or you were looking on a ceiling drawing this. This axe looks like rubber.
I'm not trying to flame you, this is just my opinion.
*sigh* why is it that people from the dirty shwa don´t have an IQ higher than blows my mind. If hadnt noticed, Ralf obviously has a background in art, as I do not. Therefore what Ralf said is what I was attempting to say very unprofessionally. Its obvious enough that i know absolutely nothing about the technicalities of critiquing art.MetalWarheart666 said:Then you would have said it yourself.
thanks for the opinions.....
bobvex said:"Really?
Took me, like, three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip.
It's probably the best drawing I've ever done."
I can't see them now, they are blocked at work, but I'll check em out when i get home.
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:*sigh* why is it that people from the dirty shwa don´t have an IQ higher than blows my mind. If hadnt noticed, Ralf obviously has a background in art, as I do not. Therefore what Ralf said is what I was attempting to say very unprofessionally. Its obvious enough that i know absolutely nothing about the technicalities of critiquing art.
ThanksND24/7 said:I would personnaly suggest that you'd need to focus more on the directional lines of the character, it should give your drawing more dimension... the optical illusion of 3d with all parallel lines in a same part.
There's just too much blank parts ...and parts all dirty shading. Like no middle between them..
Like Ralf said....yeah the angle of the guitar is screwed up if you look at the side of it. Also...the fret boards looks as thick as a sheet of paper.
What I found cool is his Right Arm and his Hair.
In a conclusion, easy on the dark shading and try to add some lines to make his clothes like if they were folding.
bobvex said:"Really?
Took me, like, three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip.
It's probably the best drawing I've ever done."
I can't see them now, they are blocked at work, but I'll check em out when i get home.
bobvex said:"Really?
Took me, like, three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip.
It's probably the best drawing I've ever done."
I can't see them now, they are blocked at work, but I'll check em out when i get home.