Alexi Artwork..

brightkelly said:
My network is worse. I live in China, and my government always block some websites, and recently I can't view the photos from photobucket, I'm not sure if the government blocked this one, I need to ask my friends in China to see if they can view photobucket. I feel pissed off.
Can you see my signature, the Daraemon? It's on photobucket and I CAN'T SEE IT!:cry:
That sucks, man. Why would they block it? That's just gay.

Well you aren't really missing out on much. I knew I made a mistake posting them on here.
Not just your pics are saved at photobucket, most people's signatures are there, I think
maybe there are political sensitive material there? I don't know. It sucks living in a depressed country :cry:
MetalWarheart666 said:

I'll take that into consideration if I ever draw again :lol:

Come on :p

If ever1 told you that you're so good you'd become a psycho ego-maniac prick...without even knowing what are your worst aptitudes.

Never stop drawing (if you want to progress indeed...) !


PS : Personnaly, I suck at drawing's real hard to follow all the proportions.
MetalWarheart666 said:
I just live here, I wasn't born here ;)

Anyway, the background on my last comment is that you completely dissed my drawings saying it looked like a 3 year old did it. Ralf's opinions were backed up with positives and negatives not bullshit like what you said :lol:
You completely disregarded everything I just said. Jesus H Fucking Christ. Its painfully obvious that Ralf has a background in art and critiquing it. While Ralf can pick out many flaws and say exatly what they are. I dont look at something and say the kempo tiara shading of the upper middle bi polar torso looks like a rats ass. I just think it looks like a 3 year old drawing. Thats what it is to me. Nothing more nothing less. No technical art bullshit babble. Just fucking 3 year old drawings.
That's really a 3 year olds comment, Bryan.
If i would have taken the time i could have given the same kkinda comments as Ralf did....
No offence or anything.... :D
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
*sigh* why is it that people from the dirty shwa don´t have an IQ higher than blows my mind. If hadnt noticed, Ralf obviously has a background in art, as I do not. Therefore what Ralf said is what I was attempting to say very unprofessionally. Its obvious enough that i know absolutely nothing about the technicalities of critiquing art.
Very obviously you also lack a background in drawings of three year old's, because the pictures sure don't look like stickmen.
:D i love these reactions. i made some drawings too.. im fucking bad in details.. but i just like to draw sometimes. feel free to give your comments




Yo Ilse! Welcome to UM :loco:
you asked me to say something about those drawings (since when am I suck authority? LOL)

first 2 drawings:
actually there is nothing wrong with them and I like them a lot. Anatomy seems to be ok, all proportions and stuff too. The only thing I could whine about it is that they all lack of dimention. Make better use of pencil and they will be really good. These are just quick sketches and still need some work to be done to make them more complete.
As for the other 2 drawings I'd say all what I've already said earlier, and I must add that the similarity in faces that you captured is SPECTACULAR!!! I love it.
Don't let those sketches waste and keep working on them ;)
whaow you could be much more critical Ralf :p but you rule in drawing.. I feel flathered

(thanks shagoroth :))
if you want someone to be critical, ask Bryan :loco:
he is the bitchiest person in this thread LOL
I never really thought about drawing Bodom, but here's some shit from other band I did some 5 years ago, when I had plenty of time. See if you can figure out who that is. Only then I can tell about the quality of the drawing.
