alexi laiho's equipment?


Aug 5, 2003
didnt find any thread.

i know about the guitars, but the amp?
i know he uses engl poweamps but more specific??
anyone, please
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I don't have it handy...but there should be someone out there with a pic of the magazine clipping that shows both his and Roope's setups around the "To Hell And Back" sinergy era... His sound is comparable from that album, to Follow the Reaper, methinks. So he more than likely kept the same setup when they recorded that album. Im just speculating though. I just know Engl Power Amp, Rocktron pre-amp...i think its the chameleon????, noisegate, and maybe a lee jackson pre-amp as well? I dunno. Keep in mind that after about 99 or so, he had a EMG-PA2 gain control circuit added to both his custom Rhoads guitars. Someone double check me on all of this...not for positive
dude, seek this forum for simmilar threads. It was said many times, and I cant even remember it all, cuz it is a load of info to be written down... At least ask Thilo, he knows all...
ok thanks..
but does anyone (THILO HELP ME IF YOU KNOW THIS) know how to get the "bite" that's in the sound in follow the reaper.. for example in the intro riff to bodom aftermidnight when the strings are palmmuted and every note feels like a punch in the fucking face! thats what i wan't and i just cant get it from my gear.. why's that?
sorry if i seem like an idiot but i guess i am!
its really just a combination of things on bodom after midnight.....he has a really high gain output from the guitar, feeding an already over driven pre-amp, and at a fairly decent volume...thats really all it is...its achievable with most gear...a similar sound, they could have added stuff in the studio that a normal guitarists wouldnt have right on the outboard EQ's, stuff in the mixdown, etc.
i think Rockbodom is right, there is definately studio polish on that guitar sound, and it didnt sound nearly as punchy as that live.

my advice to get that sound would be to get a high output guitar pulugged into an amp with plently of drive available, and use plenty treble and a lower bass setting so it cuts through better.

but i also have a feeling you have to actually move air with the volume to get a real punch.
K of London said:
i think Rockbodom is right, there is definately studio polish on that guitar sound, and it didnt sound nearly as punchy as that live.

my advice to get that sound would be to get a high output guitar pulugged into an amp with plently of drive available, and use plenty treble and a lower bass setting so it cuts through better.

but i also have a feeling you have to actually move air with the volume to get a real punch.

you're dead on K. Thats basically all it is. Low bass, boosted mids and treble, with a high gain amp and pickup combo, along with the studio. no other way to really replicate the sound.
slaesh said:
... and every note feels like a punch in the fucking face!

This is exactly what I like so much in the sound of Alexi or Roope.

I answered the gear question some time ago, but I did not find the thread again. But another wich answers the question too. BUT you can't be sure that you are up to date. Some times Alexi changes his Gear (But this one is the FtR gear). For example when he got the ESP's (in the ESP's are EMG's) he needed something to get the distortion wich the JE-1000 electronics gave him in his Jacksons. I forgot to ask Alexi what he's doing right now to get the distortion.
AND I saw CoB on Friday and it seems that Alexi uses a Marshall-Amp now! The sound was awefull, and the concert had to begin 30 min later because the amp was a bit broken. Maybe he had to use the Marshall because the airplane was late (someone mentioned that in the summerbreeze-Thread), but on the other hand he had his guitars.... I don't know!
I'm very sure that here are a lot of Finn who exactly know what Alexi uses but they all don't want to tell us the truth because the are to lazy or just want to keep it secret. Fuck them. lol
In a very old thread I read some time ago that Alexi don't want everybody to know what he uses, but that was a fucking lie (I asked him and he said that he has nothing agains that, so...).

By the way I found an old thread where Roope tells us the truth about the Floyd Rose setup!!!!!
Roopes nickname is Trooper
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welli had to subscribe to it and i didnt know how other than to post a small reply so......