Alexi's gear


Madly in anger with you
Apr 2, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
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Ok, if this topic has been done to death, I apologize, I don't come here to often, and I didn't feel like going through the entire board loioking for an answer. But anyway, Does anybody know what kind of equipment Alexi uses to get his guitar sound? I ask because it sounds so goddamn awesome, usually I have trouble figuring out if I'm listening to Alexi or Janne. So does anybody know what type of pickup/effects/amp he uses? Or at least know where I can get that info? Thanks
I dont have a clue apart from that someone stole it... Did they bring it back yet? I might have missed that...
Originally posted by plfffffft
Ok, if this topic has been done to death, I apologize, I don't come here to often, and I didn't feel like going through the entire board loioking for an answer. But anyway, Does anybody know what kind of equipment Alexi uses to get his guitar sound? I ask because it sounds so goddamn awesome, usually I have trouble figuring out if I'm listening to Alexi or Janne. So does anybody know what type of pickup/effects/amp he uses? Or at least know where I can get that info? Thanks

He used ENGL amps,that's what I have heard.
Alexi Laiho uses a Custom Shop Jackson RR1 with custom Jackson active pickups, with 24 frets. He bought the guitar from a 2nd hand shop. He never turns the volume up full. There's also an original Floyd Rose tremolo in there.

For amps, I think he uses a Marshall JCM 800 or 900 with Marshall 4x12 cabinets. Alexi Laiho used an ENGL 580 midi preamp for recording with Sinergy. During live gigs, Alexi likes to use different amps for his tone, I've seen a Peavey 5150, Marshall JCM 2000 TSL100, Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier, and an ENGL Savage 120. But he always uses Marshall 4x12 cabs.
guitar specs:

Brand: Jackson
Body: Rhoads
Headstock: Jackson Pointy
Construction: Neck-trhu
Neck: maple with ebony fretboard.
Neck: Painted
Inlays: MOP Sharkfins
Frets: 24, Jumbo
Binding: Headstock and Neck
Binding color: White.
Bridge: Original Floyd Rose
Hardware color: Gold
Neck pick-up: N/a
Middle pup: N/a
Bridge pick-up: J50bc and JE1000(tg) preamp (i think)
Pick-up cover: yes
Controls: One volume, one small toggle for Gain Boost
Color: Black with Nuclear Yellow bevels
Alexi has an ENGL amp (E840/50 Tube Poweramp) and a Lee Jackson Perfect Connection GP-1000 (hard to get, because it's out of production). Effect is a Rocktron Intellifex. But this all is shit without the pickup and the preamp Alexi has in his guitar! The Pickup is a j50bc and the preamp is je-1000, both from jackson guitar company.
I love Alexis Sound (and Roopes) too, I try to get the same equipment he has (I know, many people say, that I'm crazy, but I really love this sound, I always give a fuck what people say 'bout me and what I do)!
I have the ENGL Poweramp, I have the Lee Jackson GP-1000 and I have the Jackson RR1 (unfortunately not the pickup and the je-1000, but I hope I'll get them soon).

There are many people around Helsinki, who use the same gear, for example Craydawn (, band from Janne's brother Antti), Roope started with that, I think, and he is a cult-person in Finland, check his gear here

This thread is one of thousands of "Alexi's Gear" Threads but I don't care! Next time I will link this thread! Check this picture, I think it's very cool! The translation (wich I did not make) in english is the following:

"alright where to start, alexi's guitar, custom shop, jackson humbucker, w/ active preamp (notice the switch), neck thru, his guitars trem setup w/ the springs was prob. influenced by roope. 2 parallels and one thats crossed/slanted. if youre thinking of doing it be weary it might change intonation etc. supposedly gives you better "feel" when using trem. neck is bound, has a spider web guitar strap, various stickers on it, wildchild, sometimes youll find a stone on there as well.

roopes white V has a stone sticker, very similar to alexis axe in that pic. his black one has a single coil/humbucker configuration (H-S), active switch as well, custom fret inlays. no gold pinstripe though, i think its bevelled too.


alexi: supposedly used an ibanez and 5150 to record something wild, but now i believe hes running lee jacksons GP (metaltronix) 1000 preamp, engl power amp, 2 marshall jcm900 stacks, and some other various rack mount units.

roope: samething, GP1000 preamp into tube poweramp 840/50, has a hush unit there,intelliflex, vht 292, and quadraverb. just refer to that link i gave earlier for his equipment."