Vocals sound to me very much like Klamydia (Vesku's main band), I'm not really Klamydia fan but I have heard their songs from the radio so much that vocals sound safe and familiar to me :lol:. I mainly listen Kylähullut because of the hilarious lyrics.

I think they are going to make it to the headlines again with the track number 12, it 's about our prime minister...
I think they are going to make it to the headlines again with the track number 12, it 's about our prime minister...

Conan O'Brien?


That shit totally sucks. Alexi could do better.

He doesn't write technical music for this band. If you've heard anything else by them, you'd realise that. It started off as a non-serious side project and they had no intention of recording anything but eventually they thought it'd be fun and they did it drunk.
Yes.. I mean why does he waste his time on that shit.. maybe it's fun to do, but why do they publish it, no-one's gonna buy..
because he wants to have FUN. There's nowhere in metal/rock that says you can't have FUN.

They publish it because they want to. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean anyone else won't like it.
I have all the Kylahullut albums and I'll buy this new one, too; they're just for fun and it
sounds like they have a shitload of laughs making them - nothing wrong with that; you can't take
life seriously all the time
And what's next, COB make their next album sound like that, and everyone's just Heyyy c'mon you need to relax a bit and not take it so damn seriously all the time.

Depends what kind of music you make for fun.
cob is his serious project while this band is just his fun play some punk rock get wasted project which is why they aren't touring or making it a priority. stop bitching, him having a sideproject isn't going to make his main band suck and become a joke.