Alexi's birthday is coming up!


deth metal cowgirl
so... Alexi's birthday is a week from today (April 8th). what would you give him if you could?

here's my present... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEXI BABY!! :kickass::kickass::kickass:


Well, since I don't have much money at the moment, I'd give Alexi a birthday card and a hug and a kiss. I know that's pretty cheap but I'm not rich yet.

Janne's birthday is also coming up near the end of this month and that's the same day I see CoB live. I'm thinking about getting something for him. :)
creatrix777 said:
so... Alexi's birthday is a week from today (April 8th). what would you give him if you could?

here's my present... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEXI BABY!! :kickass::kickass::kickass:


Hey, my birthday is April 8 as well. I'll take one of these in green please.

Lillitu said:
Hey, my birthday is April 8 as well. I'll take one of these in green please.

:headbang: dayamn, dude, how cool is it that you share your birthday with Alexi!! because of this, your wish is hereby granted:


eh, too fucking bad CoB won't be in Seattle 5 weeks sooner, we could all celebrate your birthdays together. ;)
@creatrix777:This car is.... don't have a word that fits... it's a blast! wow! my
birthday is in january, but i'd love to have that car too! :) but please in red! *g*
My budget is very small too, so i'd give him a new nail polish in black ( I guess he needs that :)) and some bottles of good german beer .... yeah, and a paket of luckies....
creatrix777: missery, this is for you only because you asked so nicely, a'ight? happy belated birthday!

thanx sooo much ! that's a fucking great car... i love it! if it only was mine ... :)