Alexi's birthday is coming up!

:lol: that "wha....?" expression

Whoever stole his guitars should give them back on his birthday

you know, it seems dumb but I find myself keeping my eye out in pawn shops at times. I always said that if a musician that I appreciated got shit stolen, i'd get it back for 'em if i could. I do this after hearing the Zakk Wylde story; his original spiral guitar dissapeared and was sold to a pawn shop. A fan happened to see it and buy it; thinking it was just some copy, but he liked the guitar. But, he saw the numbers on it, and after research...he found it was Zakk's guitar!! Not even in the city where it happened. He contacted Zakk and returned the guitar. It was great.

I had my first guitar taken; the thing is probably long gone by now(eight years), and it's like a piece gets stolen from yourself when it happens. So if I ever come across some familiar looking Rhoads somewhere and it's it; i'd totally buy it back and ship it off to it's rightful owner.
I'd get him some therapy, he's obviously sick in the head if he's producing such God-awful tripe he calls "music".
yeah, you're better off dead! I'd give him 2 new lungs, his "old" ones are surely deeply black....and i want him to go on doing his work, 'cause without the wildchild there's no children of bodom and without children of bodom there's no sense in (my) life....