Alexi's new Endorsement

Hylian said:

Need I say more? :loco:

Good but the fact that it isnt hooked into n e thing gives the fakeness away.
if i hadn't seen the original version of that picture, i'd think alexi with that guitar was real. nice photoshop job, dude
BodomiC said:
another one had stolen my guitar!!! arrrrrrrrr!!:yuk:

:lol::lol::lol: this editing is great :worship:
Mwuahahahahaha! :D

Deathroller said:
if i hadn't seen the original version of that picture, i'd think alexi with that guitar was real. nice photoshop job, dude
Thanks! :D
I took the original one actually. :p
dilema1362 said:
internal wireless man. you mean to tell me you dont have that shit yet???
Hahaha :p

Wings of a dream said:

You should find a pic where his tapping, that one should make a great edit.
Hmmm, I'll try to do that! :D
Might be a bit hard because of the scale length difference but I'll see what I can do. :D

enjoi17 said:
:lol: Damn good edit! Now all of the fanbois are gonna got out and buy that guitar just because omgalexi! has it.

and then:

Grimes said:
hahaha my dad and I saw that at a guitar shop. He thinks I should get it. Nows there even more reason to get it!!!!!!!

theres a fanboy for u. He's totally buying it!:grin: :p . Hes like OMFGALXEI!!!!11 and im like : OMFGBLEASHEDREDHEADMIDGET!!!!1111 lol^^

note: hey alexei, no offence, but i dont like fan boys. You either like the group and the music or you dont.

btw, :worship: :worship: :worship: Hylian
Elysian893 said:
the strap is going to the wrong place
Not necessarily. Rhoads usually have the strap lock located on the neckjoint. Though unusual, it's possible for strats and similar guitars to have the strap lock located there as well.

Anyway, as requested -- Alexi tapping on the Alexi Laiho Signature Hello Kitty Squier -- check the new thread.
what did you use to make that. i have photoshop 7 but its not too good...and i cant make shit like that either, :p
Jani Laiho said:
what did you use to make that. i have photoshop 7 but its not too good...and i cant make shit like that either, :p
I used photoshop CS2. All the tools I used are available on Photoshop 7 though.