Alien: The Director's Cut

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
I was 5 years old in 1979 when the original version was released, but I didn't get to see it until sometime in the mid-80s. The director's cut more than holds up to the passing of time. My favorite of the series (everyone else's favorite is the James Cameron movie, Aliens... but I don't like James Cameron... sue me) I saw this last night during a midnight screening at the fabulous Arclight Cineramadome with a bunch of fellow movie geeks. Also, for you comic freaks, there was a teaser for Alien vs. Predator in front of this.
The Arclight will also be showing a digital presentation of this movie, but I would recommend seeing it at the Dome... :)
You've already seen it? I'm super envious right now. :ill:

I got to see this film when I was 8 and it was on ONTV (how's that for an obscure 70's reference?). My mother had originally said that she would take me to see it, but went first to see it in the theater because of it's "R" rating. She was so scared that she refused to let me see it because she didn't want to be in the theater for a second time to see ANY of it. My father let me see it though...watched it while eating dinner! :tickled:

I've always felt that this film was far superior to Aliens in as far as being absolutely scary. For sheer horror/monster movie thrills, few can match this movie.

Aliens did make for a fun action film, though. :Spin:
Oh hell yeah! Alien was one of those rare films that used subtlety as well as unpredictability for its horror. The quiet creepiness of the facehugger had my skin crawling well after I left the theater and the chest-bursting scene is, to this day, one of the most shocking sequences in any film. Comparing the first two movies is kinda like apples and oranges to me. I couldn't pick one as a favorite, although I still think Siguorney Weaver was a BIT better in Aliens. Did you know she was nominated for best actress for that role? I think she should have won.
I also saw Alien on ontv when I was like 9 (scared the hell out of me too - haha). Can't wait to see it on a digital screen. The Alien box set were the first dvd's I bought. 'Aliens' was more of a comedy to me with Bill Paxton and that annoying dyke rambo chick. I think I'm the only person who liked Alien 3. Fincher seemed much more suited for the series than someone like Cameron.
i was 8 when i saw Alien....moved i was. I was in my Battlestar galactica and Buck Rogers faze! You know the pre-"THE THING" ara! Keyser im so jealous, wish i seen it. The 70's and 80's movies will never be beaten, to many awesome flix to pass up, even the b-movies were funny as hell.
I prefer the original alien over aliens although i liked them both ...FUCKIN A!