Aligning Drums after Recording


Jan 24, 2012
How many of you are aligning drum hits and such after recording. When using adat/spidf preamps etc. there must be some time/phase issues that occur. What are some of your procedures for aligning drums after they are recorded.

Example. Say your using an adat preamp for drum triggers. There must be some delay in comparison to the mic'd signal through main interface. This is just one small example.

I could have also titled it Time differences between signal paths. I would assume an on board preamp would arrive at a different time than a standalone preamp. Cable length etc.

Just curious.
There's an additional 32 sample latency when I run my ISA828 through light pipe as opposed to my 003's built-in preamps. I suspected this might be the case, so to test exactly how much difference there was, i took two sm57s, taped them together and hooked one to the 003 and the other to the ISA828. Then I hit record and clapped a couple of times and calculated the difference between them.

Now I just run a "split board" type configuration inside PT for drum tracking. The input side is constructed out of auxes that get recorded by audio tracks. I put a 32 sample time adjuster plug in on any tracks that run directly though the 003. I can also use this configuration to flip polarity on any tracks that need it but are running through a mic pre that doesn't have a polarity button.
I know how to edit drums. But thanks for the tutorial.

Thanks a lot dave, this was the type of information i was looking for.