ALIVE AGAIN delayed until Xmas?!?!


Dec 9, 2001
Miramichi, NB
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I recently received an e-mail from Tom at The End Records who forwarded me a message from Dan in which Dan said that the new Nightingale may be pushed back to a Christmas release date--is this so?! Man, I was full of goose-bumps thinking how great it would be when this album came out in September, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait, if this is what's going to happen. Dan or Dag: care to comment on this?
sorry to get off topic but..
:lol: i just imagined them doing christmas songs.

now, back on-topic.
of course it would be sad if it would come out a few months later, but looking on the bright side, it would be awfully nice to see it among the packages under the jolly ol' tree :) and imagine, one could give it as a christmas present to close ones even if they've never heard of nightingale before :lol:
In actual fact, the e-mail I am referring to came across more as a "worst case scenario" type deal, I think rather than being set in stone. The End Records website has the release date listed as August 13th, and this just seemed to good to be true, and I think Dan wrote and basically said that there's no way they'd be finished that early and that to expect a Xmas release just to make sure nobody gets their hopes up. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess... :cry:
X-mas time, not September?



Another thing,
I have to thank Dag and Dan, for I have succeed my entrance examination for studying sound engeneering. Why I have to thank them? There is a musical examination, as like by studying music (a bit simpler I think) where you have to hear out melodies and chords in their variations and other stuff. You can learn this by thinking of a songbeginning or part. Thanks Dag for Minor 2nd variation (4/6) as at the beginning of Intermezzo, and Dan for the "Stranded part" in Hiding again. When I played it I had minor basic in mind. I always hear these song when one of these chords is played.
Well, I have to thank Cindarella for major first variation (6) and, I think ,Elton John for (4/6)together with some classical tunes I don't know.
That helped me a lot. Just wanted to say this.