All about Twitter


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hello guys,

I again found a "Twitter" option on a band's myspace today. It reminded me that I don't use twitter at all, I tried, I just can't get the interest of it.

Do any of you use it regularly ? And can explain what is the interest, really, of it ? How do you use it, I mean, how do you approach its use ?

Because all I get of it is that it's a worldwide messy pot of random information that you try to keep at the instant it is twitted, and I just don't see how anybody could be interested of it. It just looks so messy and unorganized, and ultimately, boring and extremely unefficient, for a cartesian spirit like me, and yet, a lot of people seems to use it as well as facebook or youtube that I clearly understand, and it's pissing me off not to understand it even after I read how it works and after using it like 30mns more or less !
I use it religiously, in fact I have 2 accounts- 1 is my "professional" account, that I use to follow other people in my industry, and I really use that account to get industry news, see what products & services people are talking about, try and network, etc.

My "personal" account I use to follow friends, bands, labels, etc. I've picked up a lot of good music recommendations from people talking about new bands, sending out links to free releases, etc. Bands are constantly talking about new shows, music etc.

I view Twitter as two things, really - one is a giant instant news source, the other is as a giant "not quite live" chat room with craploads of other people I like and know. It took me a little while to figure out how to best use and approach it, but I really dig it now.
I'm one of those people that is really slow to adopt to social networking type things. I didn't get a Facebook account until about 11 months , for example, even though some of my friends had it since basically it began.
I switched to Facebook from myspace because I was sick of seeing annoying profiles with all this emo shit or whatever garbage.
Facebook should be enough for me, I don't think Twitter is necessary
I have an account, @lucesdaniel if you want to add, I´ll add all you guys.

I log on like once a week at very best, but If I added mroe bands and stuff I like I might get more often, some bands use it for quick studio or tour diaries type of things and it´s cool to follow. I hardly ever post anything myself, nothing interesting to post I guess
To anyone who played pokemon, follow @Gary_Oak_

absolutely hilarious

The guys from Architects are pretty cool to follow, they post a lot of pictures of gear and stuff

Scott Ian just talks about Ultimate Bet... ALL THE TIME.