All kinds of ZH, DM and Jasun news..........


#1 Zero Hour Fan
Nov 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
First off wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. This is going to be an awesome year for fans of Zero Hour as well as Death Machine. Since both will have new CDs before the end of the year.


Jasun Tipton News:
Speaking of new CD's this year, Jasun has completed his new Solo CD titled SEDUCTION. You can get information on how to order a copy at the still under construction webpage. Right now its just a front page but soon it will be updated with all kinds of stuff. I have added a full lenght song to the Music section of the Zero Hour webpage for your listening pleasure. Its a 6 min long song that Jasun has dedicated to Jasun Becker. There is a second version of the same song on the CD where Jasun trades off solos with Scott McGill, simply amazing stuff. You can also get information and hear the song if you are a member of by going here.
So check out the song and order a copy of the CD. It's an awsome CD. I cant stop listening to it. If you ever wanted to hear Jasun tear it up then you'll wanna pick it up.

Death Machine News: has put up a new full lenght song featuring their new female singer. Who just happens to be Jasun and Troys lil sister. You can also check out the same song on the Zero Hour webpage under the Music section. Also if your a member of there is also a Death Machine page, you can check it out here

Zero Hour news:
The new CD is done being recorded and is getting ready to go into the mixing stage. So hopefully in a few months we will see it released. I did a pretty major update to the webpage with all kinds of new information. Most of which I have explained here. Zero hour also has a page and that can be reached here

Well that is all the news for now. Also if you happen to be a member and you look around you just might find Troy or My page as well as some other familiar faces. Its a pretty cool place to meet people, you should check it out. Thats all for now.

Bob "Buddah"
Thanks for the update Bob! Its all damned good news! I am very impatient for the new Zero Hour! Great to hear its done. I think me might be lucky is there's a feb or March release!