All new gear, still sounds almost the same

Hey there, it's been a while since I've posted in here as my iMacs hard drive decided to shit itself, so I had a 4 month wait on my macbook pro. Anyways, heres a new tune I wrote today for my band. It's with all new gear. Only thing that stayed the same was the cables and the pick, yet, it still sounds mediocre. It gets to the point, that it doesn't matter what I play through, it all sounds 95% the same!
In this piece, I have no great room to record in, or bass amp. It's all done in my kitchen, lol.
Please have a listen. I seem to always go wrong around the mids department for some reason. Any help would be appreciated. 3.mp3
When you say new gear... lets go from the pick (if you use one) all the way through to the macbook...

what has changed and what hasn't??
Lol, Sorry mate, should've explained better. Well, I'm still using the same pick, so the chain is like this:
Gone from -
Loomis w/Floyd EMG 707 to Bernie Rico Jr Vixen 7 (mahogany) EMG 707
Same cables
Same NS-2 and Presonus EQ3B
Peavey 6505+ to Engl Invader
Randall Warhead 4x12 cab w/30s to Engl Pro XXL w/V30s
Same SM-57
No pre-amp to Golden Age PRE 73
Mbox 2 Pro Factory to Apogee Duet 2
Will go from GA 73 to Duet 2 pre
Imac 2008 - Macbook Pro 2011
PT LE 8 to PT 10

Now with those swap outs, I was expecting something different, but at the end of the day, I sound the bloody same, no matter what amp I play through. Although I do prefer the chunk of the Engl as opposed to the Peavey.
Then I listen back to my mix and there seems to be a lack of good mids that brings the mix to life, its as though Im really good at making them feel hollow.
I'm not after that "GLEE", tight and chopped to the shithouse kinda productions, but just a normal (mistakes, as long as they are not to bad) with no real editing. Like you can here the player playing, rather than listening to a robot.

In my quest for something like that, I seem to be achieving a more demo like sound, rather than a 3/4 polished version. I have learnt a lot through this site, but just can't seem to take that next step to achieve what I am after. It's starting to I've me the shits, lol. Any help would be appreciated, cheers.