All new MARSHALL LAW website is now up and running! I made it!

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Ruler Of Life/Light
Aug 26, 2003
New LAW website is now up and running and you may read the all new latest info about the band plus MP3 and videos etc.

New photos also.

Sign the guestbook, register to forum and buy the mighty MARSHALL LAW's t-shirts, medallions and the CDs!

I have met the Law-man Dr.Metal ANDY PYKE! We kicked ass at West End London! Interview with Pitbull from!

Anyways here's the URL:

LAW the best and heaviest metal band from Birmingham, England UK!

Better than f**king Dragonforce!

If you are a 80's metal fan like Judas Priest, Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Kings X, Queen, Saxon, Pretty Maids, Racer-X, Dokken, Savatage and modern NWOBHM this is it! It's for you mother fucking cock sucking metal monster! Power screaming solos, vocals. True to the METAL!

From Glen Viner (K-Man) \m/ (~~) \m/

Just look the website and hear the music mother fucks! Johnny D is a cock! Wanker tosser gay cunt. :hotjump: sixxswine sign the guestbook. :headbang:
I have far superior music taste than you. Super Mega my friend. Go and listen to your cheesy kids music. Yankee Wankees smells... You haven't heard their music and they'll rip other bands to apart. Iced Earth, Dragonforce, Hammerfall is all bunch of jokers. Can't be compared.
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