All Royal Carnage Hip Hop Fans

One Inch Man said:
Seriously. WTF.

Did anyone who hates this thread bother to click the link? IT'S A FUCKING JOKE MORONS. What the fuck happened to this board? Did everyone's sense of humoUr become proportionate to their dick size?

I peel potato at you. Peel potato at ALL of you. :rolleyes: :shitface: :hotjump: :lolcore:

My dick size is nice, so I guess that kills that argument.
haha awesome. Laura Bush thinks gang bangers can be dissuaded from a life of crime, w33d and bling with.....The Bard!!

Let Them Read Shakespeare
Without any hint of irony, Laura Bush "lamented a lack of worthy male role models...for American youth." But she's got a plan to turn things around in urban hellholes. How? By "enticing gangland boys with the works of William Shakespeare."