ALL SHALL PERISH - "Hate.malice.revenge"


Amputated Vein Records

8 Tracks 36 Mins
1. Deconstruction
2. Laid To Rest
3. Our Own Grave
4. The Spreading Disease
5. Sever The Memory
6. For Far Too Long
7. Never Ending War
8. Herding The Brainwashed is DEAD!

Over the 6 years or so I used this unbelievable resource for music of all genres, from all over the world, big bands or bedroom projects, I must have downloaded around 15,000 songs and found some of my favourite bands from there. Before it died I downloaded around 5,000 songs in a month. 3 of which were from this band, All Shall Perish, who probably win a top three place in the best band ever on MP3.COM list, alongside Dillinger Escape Plan and Cephalic Carnage.

I normally don't review CD's I haven't been sent, believe me, it is enough to keep up with just with those, let alone other CD's, but All Shall Perish are something far too special not to speak about.

"Deconstruction" is the opening punishment. Huge, bellowing vocals, massive sounding guitars, chugging and riffing their sickness, but not forgetting the melody. Some fantastic grooves, thrashings, and pummeling, relentless thuddings beat the brain unto its early grave, before dropping after 90 seconds into a fantastic breakdown. All Shall Perish have got the combination of sledgehammering death metal and vicious metalcore down to a tee, taking it in fact, to a whole new level of slaughter. The already popular "Laid to Rest" (a Raw Nerve club favourite) is up next with some brilliantly catchy tunes and vocal patterns, certainly for any fan of Swedish death thrash or very heavy death-core.

Every song has its own killer intentions, unique sound and ideas, and despite things not being overly complex there is something so different to all the others doing this kind of thing. Combine Eternal Suffering, Dying Fetus, My Cross To Bare, Malevolent Creation, Suffocation, basically any of the real and true heavyweights of the extreme scene, and add in a lethal dose of groove, and songs like "The Spreading Disease" are born, making you want to smash things up, or run around screaming, jumping around like a lunatic, or just sitting back and praising their monstrous sound. Right through to the fading end of the beyond heavy "Herding the Brainwashed", which is a personal favourite, you have no chance to stop your eyes from popping out to the unadultered brutality on show.

And so the blue print is now laid down, All Shall Perish have arrived and with 8 absolutely intense as unholy hell masterpieces of crushing metal, they have told of their intent. I only beg that a follow up to this comes soon. How they follow one of the best albums ever written (for my tastes) I can't even imagine.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: