all shall perish


Drug the Priest
May 30, 2005
the bowels of lochness
I've heard they're deathcore, i've heard they're death metal. hatever style they are I like em. anything similar, but maybe a bit more raw.

Insomnium is another band I listen to that has the same sound im looking for.
I love All Shall Perish... I'm starting to think they might even be better than Despised Icon. Anyway check out the aforementioned as well as The Faceless and Heaven Shall Burn. And probably The Red Chord. And DevilDriver.
All Shall Perish doesn't really sound that much like Despised Icon, other then the fact that they fall under the "deathcore" label(though I think they are both good bands). ASP has that heavily At the Gates influenced sound, which DI has none of.

For other more melodicish bands like ASP check out:

Latter At the Gates(it's were it all comes from)
Black Dahlia Murder(Nocturnal)
Bring me the Horizon(most metalheads hate this band, but they're undoubtedly in this style)
The End Of Six Thousand Years
Through The Eyes Of The Dead
Vale of Pnath
You would love Winds Of Plague most likely.

And Cephalic Carnage fits in to me.
And Cephalic Carnage fits in to me.

Cephalic Carnage fit in almost anywhere in metal because they're mongrel metal. They just throw every sub-genre of metal into a blender and pour out the results.

I kinda liked their first album, but after that their gimmick wore thin.