All That Remains...



Pretty sure the only way a weight gainer would make your neck look like this is if you ate the bottle and headed off to the gym to exclusively do 14 sets of neck extensions. :lol:
I think a few of you misunderstand what "pushing the envelope" means. For starters...

to move beyond the limit of what has usually been done or was the accepted standard

They were pushing the confines of what is typical for them, considering it is their only song like this and the rest of the album goes right back to the classic ATR sound. In the metal world a lot of us believe that pushing the limit means heavier, more brutal, faster and more technical, but at the end of the day its still pretty taboo for a more extreme metal band to write a pop-rock style ballad let alone a "love" song of any nature, so they had a lot of balls to do that. The song is generic and nothing new in the grand scheme of things but again is different for them and different for the more extreme metal genre.

They could have gone in two directions, they could also have written an all out cannibal corpse or decapitated style death metal song. I think the only reason for the hate of the style is because its popular and its the in vogue thing for the metal crowd to hate what is popular just because its liked by many, ie. mainstream. Just because a band wants to write a song that is more mainstream doesn't mean they are selling out or are just trying to make money or get bigger, maybe some people like Phil Labonte like other styles of music and may want to write a song in another genre that is liked for the fun and experience of doing something different. Phil is known for liking pretty popular top 40 music much like myself, and I as well write everything from country to electronic/dubstep to pop-rock stuff occasionally, because its different, its fun and it isn't expect from a metal band.

Like I said before to any of you that have actually listened to the album you will find that it was just the one song. With that in mind I bet the same guys bitching if were old enough to remember when the Black Album came out were probably saying the same thing about "Nothing Else Matters". Metallica pushed the envelope there, they were the first metal band to have a live orchestra in a song and at the time how many similar thrash bands of the 80s have ever done ballads? Last time I checked the other of the "Big Four" bands haven't done anything of that extreme.

If you don't like pop music or mainstream rock that's one thing, but I do think its a little too much to say that they are going to shit or selling out and also say that they haven't pushed their own personal limits.
I think a few of you misunderstand what "pushing the envelope" means. For starters...

They were pushing the confines of what is typical for them, considering it is their only song like this and the rest of the album goes right back to the classic ATR sound. In the metal world a lot of us believe that pushing the limit means heavier, more brutal, faster and more technical, but at the end of the day its still pretty taboo for a more extreme metal band to write a pop-rock style ballad let alone a "love" song of any nature, so they had a lot of balls to do that. The song is generic and nothing new in the grand scheme of things but again is different for them and different for the more extreme metal genre.

They could have gone in two directions, they could also have written an all out cannibal corpse or decapitated style death metal song. I think the only reason for the hate of the style is because its popular and its the in vogue thing for the metal crowd to hate what is popular just because its liked by many, ie. mainstream. Just because a band wants to write a song that is more mainstream doesn't mean they are selling out or are just trying to make money or get bigger, maybe some people like Phil Labonte like other styles of music and may want to write a song in another genre that is liked for the fun and experience of doing something different. Phil is known for liking pretty popular top 40 music much like myself, and I as well write everything from country to electronic/dubstep to pop-rock stuff occasionally, because its different, its fun and it isn't expect from a metal band.

Like I said before to any of you that have actually listened to the album you will find that it was just the one song. With that in mind I bet the same guys bitching if were old enough to remember when the Black Album came out were probably saying the same thing about "Nothing Else Matters". Metallica pushed the envelope there, they were the first metal band to have a live orchestra in a song and at the time how many similar thrash bands of the 80s have ever done ballads? Last time I checked the other of the "Big Four" bands haven't done anything of that extreme.

If you don't like pop music or mainstream rock that's one thing, but I do think its a little too much to say that they are going to shit or selling out and also say that they haven't pushed their own personal limits.

I love pop music and mainstream everything. This song was just a dogshit generic song. Sorry.
Size of his throat tho... what is it about these metal lead vocalists that they all look like they've been whole digesting rolled up carpets?

Probably because they're head banging like crazy everyday? But then the guitarists and bassists should have huge necks too..