Allen/Lande - The Revenge

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Hello all,

I know I have not posted in a very long time, I have been traveling and listening to music for quite sometime now. I wanted to stop in and say Hi and let you know what I have been listening to and what I think of it.

The Revenge - This cd is pretty much the same as The Battle. I would have to say that this cd sounds much better than The Battle, not songs but in the production. I like the way this one sounds much better than I do The Battle. Does anyone else hear this too? The songs, I would have to say are very catchy but they don't seem to grab me like the songs on The Battle did. Does this mean that this is a bad cd, no way, this is a very good cd. To me, the songs are not quite as catchy as the ones on The Battle but they are still very good. I also love the fact the Russel Allen came up a notch on this one. Jorn is probably my favorite singer but Russ gives him a run for his money on this one. On The Battle, I thought Jorn was much better than Russ. I can't say the same about this disc. The guitar solos, to me, are much better on this outing than on the first one. MK can play and I love his solos on this one. Overall, this is a great cd don't know if I like it better than The Battle but I do like it just as much. I like the solos and the production better on this cd but I like the songs and melodies better on The Battle. Both cd's are great listens and for those who like melody, will not be disaapointed in either disc.

Would love to see your thoughts.

Thank You,

I think there was a thread on this not too long ago...

For me:
The Battle: 9/10
The Revenge: 8/10

I think the production is pretty comparable on the two to my ears. I do think there are more layers of guitars and other instruments on The Revenge which makes for a more interesting listen sometimes, but the songs are stronger on The Battle.
I like The Battle way more than the Revenge. I just can't get into this one as much as I did with the Battle.

I would have loved to have listened to the Battle played live from beginning to end. In PPVII Jorn played a track of that album I just can't remember which one, it definitelly blew me away.
