Allentown meet and greet


Jan 22, 2002
Just wanted to let everyone know that if all goes well (flights on time, rental van goes smooth, traffic is normal, etc) we will arrive for the meet-n-greet about 20 minutes early.

We all have direct flights, van is booked, so I think that everything should be fine for the meet-n-greet.

In case we're late, just give us time, we'll be there. The meet-n-greet is a priority for us. Much higher then getting to the hotel.

Mark, thanks for the update :cool: I'm leaving here early and hopefully the 85 mile trip will be stressless and with traffic:err: unlikely though.

I'll be there either way for sure as I won't miss seeing you guys. I'll be wearing my Decade Of The Nail Spike Bat shirt:cool: I hope they have some Jag t's because I'd love a new one:rock:

See ya tommorrow Mark:wave:

When/where is the meet and greet? Do I have to win passes or is it for everyone? I'll be at the show early but my main reason for going is JP so I don't really care if I miss any of the other bands.