'Alley Cat': over 600,000 views! * 20/03/14


May 14, 2007
Fantastic news: the official video for 'Alley Cat' has almost reached 200,000 views.
Almost......so let's make it happen, people :headbang: !!

I´m a big fan, but....... it´s a great video. :oops:
Congrats to the sw boys and especially to Johan, for making it possible.

It would be possible a video of another song? =)
As could be expected, the views regarding 'Alley Cat' have increased immensely lately!

Almost 310,000 views now: great job, old and new fans!!
Yeah that's one other potentially good thing about this, it could turn a lot of other people onto Seventh Wonder. Of course I expect most Kamelot fans will just look into their music to see how Tommy is and will hopefully be pleased with his vocals, but hopefully there will be some fans of this progressive metal type of music who will discover Seventh Wonder through this and become fans.

Thank you. :cool: New fans are always a good thing if you want to grow as a band.

I came to SW through Kamelot too, just a bit earlier. Am I getting a thumbs up or down? :ill:

Please don't diss new fans... I'm sure Seventh Wonder fans are way above sucht things...

Anyway - great to see the video gets so many hits at the moment!
You're welcome, Xandra.
And yes, new fans ARE ALWAYS welcome :headbang: !!

I assume it was a slip of the tongue from Frankgate.
Seeing the singer from (one of) your favorite band(s) go to another band as well, can be hard. The anxiety of seeing him leave forever, understandably, is there.
However, there's no need to react like this. New fans, from whichever band they 'come' from, are greatly appreciated here!!

For the record: posts like the one we are referring to, will not be tolerated and posters will suffer the consequences.
Sorry I couldn't imagine that being hilarious was a crime

Take it easy guys

The usual problem with forums... jokes or sarcasms don't come across very well sometimes. ;)

Okay, back to topic. It's really, really cool the video gets so many hits now. But I have to admit it's a liiiitle bit annoying that the comments went quite downhilll lately. Someone should delete the troll comments to keep other people commenting on them.... :/
Crappy Youtube comments come with the territory. You want views, you get crappy comments. Most people either just ignore the comments or take them with a grain of salt.

(Although having said that most new Kamelot related comments I saw on any Seventh Wonder videos were actually positive, but I don't make a habit of looking through them too much since there's not much high quality content in them).
One of the uploads on my channel kept getting spammed from some abbreviation from Starcraft or something so I ended up deleting all of that shit and setting the upload's comments to approval first. Not something I'm happy with really, that's one of the (very few) times I've actually done something about it.

I'd delete all Dream Theater comments too if that were possible, but there's not a single prog or power metal band out there that isn't compared to them. Some Circus Maximus comments have really gotten out of control.