Allright Reign in Acai You Faggot, Get in Here!

let's see you spin your way out of this one, my brotha :lol:

GW Bush's iPod contains "illegal" (according to RIAA) music
In the video linked below, we see that President Bush's iPod contains songs by the Beatles; since no Beatles songs have been licensed for the iTunes Music Store yet, these must have come from ripped CDs. Remember last February, when the RIAA told a federal agency that ripping CDs is illegal? I wonder if they'll bring charges.
Nor does the fact that permission to make a copy in particular circumstances is often or even routinely granted, necessarily establish that the copying is a fair use when the copyright owner withholds that authorization. In this regard, the statement attributed to counsel for copyright owners in the MGM v. Grokster case is simply a statement about authorization, not about fair use.

Let’s say you’re a drive-time radio talk show host. You wish to suggest that Condoleezza Rice would made a great NFL Commish. Here is how not to do it:

“She’s been chancellor of Stanford,” Lenihan said on the air. “She’s got the patent resume of somebody that has serious skill. She loves football. She’s African-American, which would kind of be a big coon. A big coon. Oh my God. I am totally, totally, totally, totally, totally sorry for that.”

He said he had meant to say “coup” instead of the racial slur.

Whoops. Well, we’re sorry, Dave. It happens to the best of us. But hey, gook on the bright side. Tomorrow is another dago. Etc. etc. etc.

And in further Condi Rice news…

A controversial question given to students during a practice test for a math final at Bellevue Community College has students — and others — shaking their heads because of its lack of racial sensitivity….

The question read: “Condoleezza holds a watermelon just over the edge of the roof of the 300-foot Federal Building, and tosses it up with a velocity of 20 feet per second.”

The Condoleezza question went on to ask when the watermelon will hit the ground, based on a formula provided.
Wait...ripping your OWN CD's is illegal? Huh?

What if I only had a tape deck in the car and wanted to make a compilation of songs from my CDs or even just copy an entire CD album to tape...?
Critics of federal legislation to establish nationwide identification standards are tapping into religious groups to galvanize resistance to the statute.

The authors of a New Hampshire bill to make the Granite State the first to reject the so-called REAL ID Act have cited financial and constitutional concerns about its implementation. But several conservative Christian groups that have endorsed the New Hampshire proposal are largely motivated by their belief that the law is a sign of the apocalypse.

According to leaders of the movement against the statute, the cause has benefited immensely from the active participation of groups that view the law as the fulfillment of a biblical prophecy. Such groups refer to scripture that predicts that humans will be numbered by marks on their foreheads and hands before the arrival of the antichrist. (emphasis added)

Apparently, it's quite sincere. States such as New Hampshire and West Virginia are working on state measures in opposition to the REAL ID Act and have found religious groups to be very helpful, in large part because they're "highly mobile and well-organized."

Irvin Baxter, the publisher of a religious magazine called Endtime, said he was specifically disappointed in President Bush for his support for national IDs. Baxter said he hoped Bush would be more sympathetic to Christian concerns about national IDs.

"I am stunned," Baxter said. "He either skipped over that part of the Bible, or he completely misunderstood it."
7-Hour Standoff Ends; Police Discover Nobody In Home

POSTED: 10:14 am CDT April 18, 2006
UPDATED: 10:15 am CDT April 18, 2006

OKLAHOMA CITY -- A police standoff ended early Tuesday with metro police discovering there was nobody in the house they were monitoring.

A seven-hour standoff near Southeast 59th Street and Bryant Avenue started as a drug investigation of a home in the area. Officers said they were worried about activity in the house, and they called for a tactical team.

For hours, according to reports, they tried to make contact with anybody in the house.

At about 3:30 a.m., agents approached the house but found nobody inside. A search of the area did not turn up any culprits; however, agents remain in the area looking for leads.
lizard said:
scripture that predicts that humans will be numbered by marks on their foreheads and hands before the arrival of the antichrist. (emphasis added)
as long as the antichrist makes me laugh, im not worried.
My only reply to this is, who gives a fuck? Is your life in such a sad state that you spend hours of the day digging up dirt on someone who is no different than anyone on this message board? You act as if he is some Deity that can do no wrong. Maybe he's not a music lover? Not everyone is compelled to buying music. The people who should have fingers pointed at them, are half the people on this message board who sit here discussing music for 8 hours, about a million bands, and only own 10 fucking cd's. Shameless.